SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT ›› 2018, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (6): 66-73.

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Construction of Community Square Dance Team and Its Governance Structure and Regulations: A Case Study of Square Dance Team in S Community in Shanghai

YANG Jun   

  1. School of social and Public Management, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, 200237, China
  • Received:2018-04-11 Online:2018-11-15 Published:2018-11-15

Abstract: The existing square dance research pays too much attention to its social functions and life meaning, but ignored the team governance regulations, governance structure and organizational form. Based on a case study of a square dance team in S community in Shanghai, this paper, from the perspective of self-organization, explores the governance structure and regulations of square dance teams, focuses on the management structure and rules of the square-dance team, and deeply analyzes the internal operation logic and interpersonal interaction strategies of the square dance with the aim to construct an organized life form. Because of the spontaneous agglomeration of the square dance, the blurring of the boundary, and unclear statement of regulations, such organizations have to rely on able people to form internal management order to promote the stable development of the organization itself. The organization has satisfied the needs of belonging of the square dance group, and has formed two kinds of governance structures:the inner circle interaction and the friend seeking individual interaction. The square dance team makes full use of the non-institutionalized resources to reintegrate the relations, resources and rules. It is not only the process of constructing the social network, but also the social basis for the formation of the organized life form.

Key words: square dance, organized life, self-organization, able person, structure, regulation

CLC Number: 

  • C913
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