SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT ›› 2014, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (6): 11-15.

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“Adopted”: A Policy Choice For the Child Welfare Services
——Based on Children’s Accidental Death Events
and Taiwan Poor Child Adoption Service

 JI  Wen-Xiao-1, 2   

  1. 1.School of Social and Public Admimistion, The East China University of Science and Technology,
    Shanghai, 200236, China;
    2.Juvenile Research Center/Social Welfare Research and Service Center,
    Henan Normal University,Xingxiang,  Hennan,453007, China
  • Online:2014-11-15 Published:2014-11-15

Abstract: based on children’s accidental death events thinking, from the policy introduced the Taiwan lean child adoption system arrangement and service supply. The enlightenment of poor child adoption service in Taiwan for Mainland child welfare services.It has been 60 years since the poor child adoption service initiative in Taiwan from 1950.The system has benefited 250720 children. This policy essence is to realize the connection of the resources. This system should be practiced by social organizations. For this, social organizations need to strengthen their own ability construction and improve their credibility.

Key words: Adoption, Child welfare services, children’s accidental death, Taiwan, policy

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