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      15 September 2024, Volume 24 Issue 5 Previous Issue   
    Work Role, Professional Identity and Work Emotion of Civil Affairs Social Workers: An Analysis Based on the Data of the China Social Work Longitudinal Study in 2019
    TANG Yong, YAN Ying
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT. 2024, 24 (5): 1-11.  
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    Civil affairs social workers represent a distinctive facet within the Chinese civil affairs system. Their emotional well-being in work significantly influences their physical and mental health, the quality of their work and service, and their professional development in social work. This paper utilizes the questionnaire data of the 2019 China Social Work Longitudinal Study (CSWLS2019). Using SPSS22.0 software, this research has constructed a multiple linear regression model to explore the relationship between work roles, professional identity, and emotional experiences in work of the civil affairs social workers. The results show that civil affairs social workers are generally in a good level of emotional well-being related to work. Furthermore, their emotional well-being in work are positively related with their work roles and professional identity. This research suggests clarifying the work roles of civil affairs social workers, enhancing their professional identity, paying attention to their mental health, and providing emotional management trainings to promote civil affairs social workers’ emotional well-being in work.
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    The Philosophical Basis,Explanatory Framework and Research Enlightenment of Social Work Practice Research
    ZHANG Pengfei, WU Jiajun, WANG Juan
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT. 2024, 24 (5): 12-21.  
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    With the need for localization and specialization, embeddedness and autonomy have become the two fundamental strategies for the development of social work in China. Autonomy is proposed to reconcile the tension between structure and action under the embeddedness strategy, and it further give rise to practice research in social work. Drawing upon the postmodern theories of social work practice research and the four main explanatory frameworks in China, the paper finds identifies two primary similarities among the explanatory frameworks: First, they all emphasize the positive significance of practical experience in knowledge production; Second, they all recognize the research status of practitioners in the academic division of labor. However, the research on social work practice has not yet formed a basic research consensus, and the research still stays at the epistemological interpretation level, leading to the core issues and research boundaries of social work practice research,research are ambiguous. Therefore, the future direction of social work practice research should establish the basic research category with the development of consciousness in academic community.
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    Analysis and Reflection on Ethical Dilemmas in Anti-Drug Social Work Practice: Re-Understanding Based on Ethical Absolutism and Ethical Relativism
    DENG Shilun
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT. 2024, 24 (5): 22-30.  
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    Anti-drug social work is a key component of anti-drug public services and an important practical field of social work. Social workers often encounter value conflicts and ethical dilemmas when providing services for community drug rehabilitation people. In fact, at the philosophical level, it is an epistemological conflict between ethical absolutism and ethical relativism. The ethical challenges in current anti-drug social work come from five aspects: multiple roles, self-determination of the client, professional relationships, privacy and confidentiality, and occupational risks. The strategies to address ethical dilemmas include clarifying ethical issues and distinguishing between “true” and “false” dilemmas, highlight professional roles and avoiding identity confusion, following legal requirements and balancing relative self-determination, establishing clear boundaries and striving for minimal harm, enhancing ethical sensitivity and attaching importance to risk prevention. Anti-drug social workers should strengthen professional ethics, engage in reflective practices, and better integrate core values of social work with anti-drug practices to address ethical challenges in anti-drug social work.
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    The Intervention Mechanism and Practical Logic of “Acupuncture Concept” in the Digital Divide of Rural Elderly
    WU Xiaolong, Wang Xinyue
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT. 2024, 24 (5): 31-39,63.  
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    The digital gap among rural elderly people is a significant issue in today’s aging and digitized society. This study proposes an “acupuncture concept”for social work intervention in this digital gap. The intervention process includes two courses of treatment, namely, “activating function, determining acupoints”, and “applying acupuncture according to symptoms, and activating acupoints”. Four action strategies, including, “space micro renewal, demand micro stimulation, resource micro link, and multi-party micro organization”, are recommended. However, there are also challenges in the intervention process involving theory, individual and system. To address this, a holistic approach is suggested to promote digital inclusion, enhance ditital identity and ensure the participation of multiple stakeholders.
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    Research on Value Co-Creation Behavior of Elderly Consumers from the Perspective of Loneliness Coping: Tourism Consumption Context
    SUN Naijuan, HUANG Jia
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT. 2024, 24 (5): 40-46.  
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    Based on self-determination theory and service-dominant logic, this article constructs a value co-creation behavior model for elderly consumers, exploring the impact of social loneliness and emotional loneliness on elderly consumers’ value co-creation behavior in the torism consumption context. .It further examines the mediating effect of coping strategies on the relationship between loneliness and elderly consumers’ value co-creation behavior. The study finds that social loneliness and emotional loneliness are positively related to the value co-creation behavior of the elderly consumers in tourism consumption. Social loneliness has a stronger positive impact than emotional loneliness in this behavior. The study also reveals that active coping strategies mediate the relationship between loneliness and the value co-creation behavior. In addition, the research discusses the moderating effect of perceived time constraints, providing insights into the situational conditions under which the value co-creation behavior of elderly consumers can be strengthened. The conclusions of this research can inform product development and service design for old consumers.
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    Behavioral Significance and Action Space of Social Work Participation in Rural Revitalization from the Perspective of Urban-Rural Integration
    LIU Yan, WANG Xiaoping
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT. 2024, 24 (5): 47-54.  
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    The perspective of urban-rural integration provides a theoretical basis for promoting social work participation in rural revitalization. It emphasizes the harmony between humans and nature, the preservation of urban and rural spatial forms, and the continuity of culture. Social work participation in rural revitalization helps to develop the autonomous participation among villagers, explore the supporting role of local culture, and encourage citizens engage in rural labor and production. Onto achieve this goal, social work needs to comprehensively understand the basis of rural development through research, prioritize the reconstruction of rural scenes, utilize township social work station, connect resources and expand the scope of rural development. This further requires to promote social work research on rural revitalization and enhance the effectiveness of social work practice.
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    Companionship, Linkage, and Inverted Sense of Practice: The Role Shaping Process of Social Workers in Environmental Governance
    TANG Haoran, LUO Qiao
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT. 2024, 24 (5): 55-63.  
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    Environmental governance refers to a practical way to promote the modernization of the harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. Collaborative governance among multiple social subjects is a prerequisite for the formation of an environmental governance community. Social workers, as important participants in environmental governance, can fulfill a unique role through the process of role shaping at three levels. First, on an action level, they can as companions in environmental practice to promote the development of action roles. Second, on a relationship level, they can establish resource linkages by promoting the integration role in trainings. Third, on a structural level, they can achieve the transformation of structural role through a new professional approach of social work-policy practice. Furthermore, with the help of the “three-level” role-shaping framework, this article attempts to provide different ideas for the exploration of the theory and practice of environmental social work in the local context.
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    “Localized” Supply: The Practical Analysis of Grassroots Civil Affairs Services in Township Social Work Stations
    ZHANG Liqin, HUANG Jiapeng
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT. 2024, 24 (5): 64-73.  
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    With the comprehensive promotion of national governance modernization and rural revitalization strategy, township social work stations have become important in supporting the innovation of the grassroots governance system and the promotion of grassroots services. Based on the case study of the social work station in X town, eastern Zhejiang, this paper focuses on the mechanisms of the operations of grassroots civil affairs service at the township social work station. The study indicates that through mechanisms such as “localization of talent cultivation”, “precision of policy transmission”, “refinement of service supply” and “organization of grassroots subjects”, township social work stations have pioneered the formation of a “localized” service supply model. The “localized” service supply model has effectively addressed issues such as insufficient professional social workers, delayed transmission of policy resources, excessive reliance on the administrative system, and poor service results. However, it is also important to beware of potential unintended consequences such as “quantitative assessment”, “service traces” and “formalism”. As such, it is necessary to reform the service evaluation system, align with the underlying logic and social logic of service development, strengthen the social and mass nature of township social work stations, and solve the “last mile” dilemma of grassroots civil affairs services.
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    From Localization to New Localization: Transformation Logic and Action Direction of Professional Social Work Development
    GAO Li, CUI Fangzhi
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT. 2024, 24 (5): 74-82.  
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    The process of Chinese-style modernization requires professional social work to enter a new stage of development and demonstrate more positive effectiveness in governance practice. From the perspective of the localization process of social work, the early stage is more about the co-progress of technology transplantation and value internalization, and then focusing on strengthening the mutual construction of specialization and localization, and gradually to realize the integration of social work in the local area. Given the new requirements of economic, social and people’s livelihood development under the new process of Chinese-style modernization, we strive to advance the transformation from localization to new localization, from embedded participation to Mosaic and symbiosis, and integrate the governance system with Chinese characteristics on the basis of the original initial localization to more effectively promote the local practice of social work. However, under the current national and social conditions in China, the professional development and effectiveness of social work are greatly hindered by several barriers. These barriers include the lack of a structural position and political legitimacy in the governance system, the decline of professional discourse power under the insufficient development of the legal system, the lack of professional identity under limited social recognition, and the weak coordination ability under the path dependence system. Hense, to integrate social work into the governance system and effectively address people’s well-being under the demands of high-quality development, it may be beneficial to explore new localized social work practices by focusing on aspects of political legitimacy construction, institutional mechanism transformation, professional talent team, multiple linkage system, etc.
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    A Study on the Impact of Push-Pull Factors on the Application Intention for Beijing’s Mobile Youth Residence Permit: Using Urban Sense of Belonging as the Mediating Variable
    CHAI Jia, XING Zhenjiang
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT. 2024, 24 (5): 83-93.  
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    A residence permit is an important basis and lever for urban management. However, the application rate for a residence permit in Beijing is not ideal, which seriously restricts its functionality. Based on the push-pull theory, this study take the sense of urban belonging as the mediating variable. The results show that income level, satisfaction with public services, way of residence, the importance of Beijing household registration for future generations, and the level of understanding of policies among mobile youth all significantly impact their willingness to apply for residence permits. The application conditions, procedures, and ideological emotions will significantly reduce their willingness to apply. The sense of urban belonging plays a partial mediating role in the three aspects of inflow pull, outflow pull, and outflow pull. Furthermore, corresponding solutions are proposed: promoting employment and increasing income for the floating population; Solving the housing problem of floating population; Lowering the application threshold and simplifying the application process; Expanding the functions of residence permits and constructing a tiered empowerment system; Increasing policy promotion efforts; Promote familial migration; Shorten social distance.
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    Research on the Regional Characteristics of Social Work Policies in China
    TANG Genghua, Liu Xiang
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT. 2024, 24 (5): 94-102.  
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    Using factor analysis to study the social work policies of 29 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions in China from 2015 to 2022, the characteristics of China’s social work policies were analyzed by extracting the five main components of three-dimensional promotion, foundation building, leading and promoting, multi-dimensional synergies, and talent development, and clustering analyses were carried out based on the factor scores. The study shows that the structure of social work policy tools in China is imbalanced, focusing on the use of supply-type and environment-type policy tools and neglecting the use of demand-type policy tools. There are significant differences in the focus of social work policies in different regions, especially the level of social work policy supply has a large gap; and there are obvious characteristics of regional clustering of social work policies. Considering the problems of balanced development of social work policy tools and regional differentiation in China, each region should use policy tools in a balanced way and strengthen the use of demand-based policy tools; develop differentiated social work policies according to local conditions; and strengthen regional cooperation and exchange to promote the sharing and learning of policy experiences. On this basis, China’s social work policy system should be further improved and optimized.
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