SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT ›› 2020, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (6): 50-59.

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People’s Mediation from the View of “ Tradition-Modernity” Relationship

YANG Min, ZHAO Lulu   

  1. School of Social and Psychological Sciences,Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, 100081, China
  • Received:2020-06-22 Online:2020-11-15 Published:2020-11-19

Abstract: Tradition is the companion of modernity and has always been associated with the process of modernity. Over the past 40 years, especially since the Reform and Opening up, great changes have taken place in China’s society from “Rural China”, “Unit China” to “Urban-Rural China” and “community China”, the traditional system of People’s mediation must also produce its own realistic legitimacy again. With the change of urban-rural dual structure and the emergence of more and more urban-rural social mix, social governance is also sinking down to the grass-roots level, thus forming the community of social governance and the rise of community civilmediation. Meanwhile, the grassroots characteristics of thetraditional civil mediation have been renewed, and a new glue of social unity has been born, which promotes the self-education and self-regulation of residents. Most importantly, the introduction of professional resources greatly expands the available resources of community civilmediation. So in the melting pot of grass-roots social changes and community governance innovation that the traditional “Oriental Flower” has been refined from the modern “Oriental Experience”. In the continuous exploration of the people’s mediation system in the new era, the modernization of social governance will continue to bring forth a new chapter of “Oriental Experience”.

Key words: “Tradition-Modernity” relationship, people’s mediation, community civilmediation, resolving conflicts and disputes, “Oriental experience”

CLC Number: 

  • C916
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