社会工作与管理 ›› 2017, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (6): 47-52.

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侯利文, 徐选国   

  1. 华东理工大学社会与公共管理学院, 上海, 200237
  • 收稿日期:2017-08-17 出版日期:2017-11-15 发布日期:2017-11-24
  • 作者简介:侯利文(1985—),男,汉族,讲师,上海高校智库“社会工作与社会政策研究院”助理研究员,管理工程与科学博士后,博士;主要研究方向:基层治理,社会工作.
  • 基金资助:

Society, History and Institution: Towards a New Stage of Social Work Development—A Summary of the “Social Work and Social Policy Symposium” of the Chinese Society of Sociology in 2017

HOU Liwen, Xu Xuanguo   

  1. School of Social and Public Administration, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, 200237, China
  • Received:2017-08-17 Online:2017-11-15 Published:2017-11-24

摘要: 社会工作的“社会性”以及政府购买服务逐渐成长为社会工作与社会政策领域内新的学术生长点。关于社会工作的社会性探讨,既有理论上的争辩,也有实践领域的纷争,成为社会工作专业使命及其实践议题的新样态;政府购买服务中社会组织的发展、自主性要素以及由此而带来的政社关系的调整与改变,成为当前具有重要学术价值和实践创新的新领域。在“去社会化”危机中重拾“社会性”是社会工作理论的关键议题;社会信任与“镶嵌式自主”是对中国社会工作本土化路径的“另类”探索;而对政府购买服务中的政社关系再探讨则聚焦于技术治理的极限及其超越。社会工作本质属性的争辩、发展逻辑的辨析以及实践困境的探究,有利于凝聚社会工作学术共同体,推进我国社会工作学的健康有序发展,是社会工作研究走向新阶段的标志。

关键词: 社会工作学, 社会性, 政社关系, 理论与实践, 学术共同体

Abstract: The "social" attribute of social work and the government procurement services (GPS) gradually grow into a new academic growth point in the field of social work and social policy. Exploration on the sociality of social work involves both the theoretical debate and practical disputes, and it has become a new model of social work professional mission and practical issues; the development of social organizations in the GPS, elements of autonomy and the adjustments and changes of the political and social relations brought by them become the new fields with important academic value and practical innovation. Rebounding "sociality" in the "de-socialization" crisis is the key issue of social work theory. Social trust and "mosaic autonomy" are the "alternative" exploration in the localization of the social work in China. Further discussions on the relationship between government and society in GPS focus on the limits of technological governance and its transcendence. The debate on the nature of social work, the differentiation of development logic and the exploration of practical difficulties are conducive to the cohesion of the social work academic community and the healthy and orderly development of social work in China. It is the symbol of social work research in a new stage.

Key words: social work, sociality, the relationship between government and society, theory and practice, academic community


  • C916
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