SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT ›› 2015, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (3): 51-56.

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Social Work Service Evaluation: A Comprehensive Model

LIU Jiang   

  1. Department of Social Work, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, China
  • Online:2015-05-15 Published:2015-05-15

Abstract: At present, the evaluation of social work services is carried out according to different models, such as process evaluation, outcome evaluation, costefficiency evaluation, costbenefit evaluation and so on. These evaluation methods divide a complete social program into different parts, and each of them only focuses on one part of the program. Based on the connotation of social work evaluation and the chronological order of social work service, the process evaluation, outcome evaluation and costbenefit evaluation can be integrated into a comprehensive model, and operated in the form of program theory evaluation, monitoring evaluation, impact evaluation and costbenefit evaluation.

Key words: social work evaluation, program theory evaluation, monitoring evaluation, impact evaluation, costbenefit evaluation

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