SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT ›› 2023, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (1): 91-98.

• SHEHUI GUANLI • Previous Articles    

Community Organization Resilience in Risk Governance: Implications, Limitations and Optimization

ZHANG Yuguang, YAO Huanyun   

  1. School of Law, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510520, China
  • Received:2022-05-17 Published:2023-01-10

Abstract: The conspicuous uncertainty and complexity in the age of risk have brought great challenges to community governance. Consolidating community resilience has become a feasible approach in response to risk governance. However, community organizations, the significant momentum in this process, have not paid enough attention to the approach from the perspective of theoretical discussion,or figured out the acute bottlenecks in practice, which undermines their proactive role in community governance. This paper enriches the connotation of the organizational resilience at the community level by referring to the counterpart in enterprise management. Besides, the paper also analyses the obstructions to resilience performance, which community organizations encounter in risk governance. Furthermore, it also proposes strategic suggestions for the optimization of organizational resilience at the community level from the four aspects: under the guidance of Party building, the power should be delegated to primary-level governments; self-organizing ability of the community should be strengthened; community culture should be built up; reflective learning should be advanced. All these suggestions are in an effort to enhance risk governance competence at the level of community and society.

Key words: risk governance, community organizations, organizational resilience, sustainable development, optimization strategy

CLC Number: 

  • C916
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