SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT ›› 2024, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (6): 35-46.

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Practice Reflexivity and Knowledge Construction of “Professional Relationship” in Social Work: Action Research on the Integration of Teaching, Research, and Practice

WANG Haiyang   

  1. School of Law and Social Work, Dongguan University of Technology, Dongguan, Guangdong, 523808, China
  • Received:2024-07-21 Published:2024-11-13

Abstract: In social work education, the practice reflexivity of teachers and students has plays a key role in knowledge production. Classrooms serve not only as spaces for knowledge transfer but also as environments for experience reference and knowledge co-creation. The professional relationship holds an important position in the social work knowledge system, forming the foundation of social work practice. By reflexively organizing past experiences of professional relations, teachers provide students with the experience reference and the local knowledge to understand the relationship between themselves, their community, and their future professional community, so as to stimulate students’ motivation to explore professional relationships. At the same time, teachers engage in dialogues with students’ experience texts regarding their inquiry into their relationship with the communities to enhance learning. When students’ community experience is organically integrated into the teaching, the connection between knowledge and teachers and students is strengthened. In this teaching process, students can not only acquire the relevant knowledge and experience of professional relationships but also experience the practical process of integrating personal experience and professional knowledge. This will further promote the organic combination of education, practice, and research, realize the knowledge production function of social work education, and promote the construction of the local knowledge of social work.

Key words: social work, professional relationship, practice reflexivity, knowledge construction

CLC Number: 

  • C916
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