SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT ›› 2017, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (3): 46-52.

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Embedded Development and Diversified Construction: Review and Reflection on the Development of Shenzhen Social Work in the Past Decade

LI Xiaofeng, SUN Weibo   

  1. College of Psychology and Sociology, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518060, China
  • Received:2016-11-07 Online:2017-05-15 Published:2017-05-15


By using embedded development theory, this paper first made a survey of the history and current situation of social work in Shenzhen, according to which the historical development of the social work in Shenzhen in the past decade is divided into 4 phases, namely a very weak embedding stage based on service of job responsibilities, a weak embedding phase based on small special service, a strong embedding stage based on community service center, and a structural embedding stage towards total radiation and "the greater civil service". Secondly, by using the theory of multiple constructions, it explains the development experiences of multiple stake-holders such as the government, social organizations, schools, enterprises, media, and foreign academic organizations, in the development of social work in Shenzhen. Finally, it makes a reflection on the practice of social work from the perspective of social work management system, professionalization, specialization, and looks into the embedded development trends of social work in Shenzhen.

Key words: social work in Shenzhen, embedded development, diversified construction

CLC Number: 

  • C916
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