SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT ›› 2013, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (4): 52-57.

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The Thought on Innovation of Social Managing System and Practice in Minority Areas
——Setting Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Gansu Province for Example

Xu Xiang-wen,Chen Wei   

  1. Northwest Normal University  ,College of Social development and Public Administration, Gansu  Lanzhou,  730070
  • Online:2013-07-15 Published:2013-07-15

Abstract: At present, our country is not only in a key period of economic and social transformation, but also in phase of assault fortified positions of reform. Although economic construction has made remarkable achievements, social problems and contradictions are becoming increasingly prominent and serious, appearing the contradictory phenomenon of "economic good news, social bad news ". The CPC`s Fourth Plenary Session of The Sixteenth Central Committee put forward the task and requirement of building socialistic harmonious society " . When we are going to the second ten year period of 21th Century, our country has made a timely important deploy on “strengthening and innovating the social management”. As a important part of social management and stability,the  traditional minority areas Innovating social management mode which needs to be innovative thinking.This study demonstrates the of innovation of social management scientific connotation, on the basis of field investigation. Summarizes the basic characteristics of Tibetan social management. Put forward the basic general direction of  innovation Tibetan social management.

Key words: Social management, Minority areas, Innovating thought

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