社会工作与管理 ›› 2024, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (4): 1-8.

• 社会工作 •    下一篇


孙晓明1, Linda Neuhauser2   

  1. 1. 南京邮电大学社会与人口学院,江苏 南京,210023;
    2. 加州大学伯克利分校健康行动研究中心,美国 加州,48072
  • 收稿日期:2023-09-26 出版日期:2024-07-15 发布日期:2024-07-15
  • 作者简介:孙晓明(1952— ),男,汉族,教授,硕士;主要研究方向:人口与健康,行为科学。
  • 基金资助:

Research on the Promotion Mechanism of Social Integration of Migrant Workers in Enterprises from a Transdisciplinary Perspective: Experience from Changzhou Wellness Project

SUN Xiaoming1, Linda Neuhauser2   

  1. 1. School of Sociology and Population Studies, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Jiangsu, Nanjing,210023, China;
    2. Research Center for Health Actions, University of California, Berkeley, California, 48072, USA
  • Received:2023-09-26 Online:2024-07-15 Published:2024-07-15

摘要: 大规模的人口流动已经成为中国人口发展的时代特征,需要理论指导和实践创新来促进外来务工人员社会融合。文章运用跨学科研究理论框架和参与式的研究方法,从学术研究、政策制定和实践运作层面,对江苏省常州市的国际合作“康健计划”行动项目进行了长期的技术支持与跟踪评估,总结了研究经验,进行了理论思考。常州市的实践研究证明,通过跨学科研究思路和社会各部门合作者高度参与的运作方式,当地政府已经建立了一个针对企业外来务工人员的多部门合作社会支持系统,完善了相关管理政策,提高了他们的健康水平和社会适应能力,使他们能够更好地获得市民化服务,并融入社会。

关键词: 跨学科, 企业外来工, 社会融合, 促进机制

Abstract: Large-scale population migration has become a defining characteristics of China’s population development. This has led to complex challenges in social integration for migrant workers, requiring both theoretical guidance and practical innovation. Based on the authors’ long-term technical support and follow-up evaluations for Changzhou Wellness Project, this study has drawn its conclusions on both academic and practical levels from a participatory approach and a transdisciplinary framework. Empirical research in Changzhou has shown that the local government has established a multi-sectoral cooperative social support system for migrant workers through transdisciplinary thinking and highly participatory operation with social partners. As a result, policies for migrant workers have been improved, leading to enhanced health status and social adaptability among migrant workers. This has also offered migrant workers with better access to civic services and integration into society.

Key words: transdisciplinary, enterprise migrant workers, social integration, promotion mechanism


  • C916
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