社会工作与管理 ›› 2025, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (1): 94-104.

• 社会政策 • 上一篇    


王慧娟, 廖芷珊   

  1. 广东工业大学法学院,广东 广州,510520
  • 收稿日期:2023-10-23 出版日期:2025-01-15 发布日期:2025-01-15
  • 作者简介:王慧娟(1981— ),女,汉族,副教授,博士;主要研究方向:社会工作,社会政策。

A Study on the Influencing Factors of Fertility Intentions of Young People of Childbearing Age from the Perspective of Social Conflict Theory

WANG Huijuan, LIAO Zhishan   

  1. School of Law, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510520, China
  • Received:2023-10-23 Online:2025-01-15 Published:2025-01-15

摘要: 在生育政策不断调整的背景下,生育率并未呈现理想中的上升情况,甚至出现下降的态势。文章基于科塞社会冲突理论,通过定量方法对数据进行因子分析,试图探讨育龄青年生育意愿的影响因素。研究发现,影响育龄青年生育意愿的因素依次为制度性、主体间利益冲突和主体间观念冲突。其中,民生保障体系不完整、就业制度在性别地位上不平等、住房保障不足等是影响育龄青年生育意愿的主要制度性因素;主体间利益冲突表现为个人与家庭之间、家庭与用人单位之间的利益冲突;主体间观念冲突则表现为传统生育观念与现代生育观念的冲突、功利性与情感性冲突。因此,要完善和强化生育配套支持政策,完善家庭内部冲突主体间利益协调机制,引导育龄青年增强生育动机,这有助于改善生育环境,提升育龄青年生育意愿。

关键词: 生育意愿, 社会冲突理论, 生育支持政策, 育龄青年

Abstract: In light of the ongoing relaxation of fertility policies, the fertility rate has not increased as anticipated and has even experienced a decline. Based on Coser’s social conflict theory, factor analysis is adopted to investigate the factors that influence the fertility intentions of youth of childbearing age. The findings reveal that the factors affecting the fertility intentions of youth of childbearing age are, in order of significance, institutional factors, conflict of interest between individuals and work-family resources, and conflict of fertility values. Notably, the inadequate livelihood security system, gender-based inequality within the employment system, and the insufficient housing security are the main institutional factors influencing the fertility intentions of youth of childbearing age. Conflict sof interests arise between individuals and their families, as well as between the families and their employing organizations. The conflict of perceptions manifest in the clash between the traditional and modern sconcept of reproduction, as well as in tensioins between the utilitarian and the emotional considerations regarding childbearing and childrearing. To improve the childbearing environment and increase the young people’s fertility intentions, the study advocates for the enhancement of the supportive childbearing and childrearing policies, the development of mechanisms to promotework-family balance.

Key words: fertility intentions, social conflict theory, fertility support policies, young people of childbearing age


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