社会工作与管理 ›› 2014, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (3): 70-78.

• 社会管理 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 华南师范大学政治与行政学院,广东 广州,510633
  • 出版日期:2014-05-15 发布日期:2014-05-15
  • 作者简介:蓝宇蕴(1964—),女,畲族,教授,博士;主要研究方向:城市化,城乡社区研究
  • 基金资助:


On the Construction of Autonomous “Safe Community”


  1. School of Politics and Administration, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510633, China
  • Online:2014-05-15 Published:2014-05-15

摘要: 目前在平安社区建设的实践中,主要有两种不同取向,一种是政府直接主导的,一种是社区自主推进的,而前者占据主流。当下治安社区建设,关键是要实现建设主体的转向,从政府直接主导逐步转向社区自主。我国处在社会转型期,社区治安问题多发。在治安社区建设中,若过于依靠政府推动,易导致社区依赖及消磨社区意志。社区是微观社会主体,自主性的治安社区建设转向,无论对社区资源的充分发掘与利用,还是助推社区自治机制的培育与发展,都有实质性的意义。

关键词: 社区, 治安社区, 社区建设

Abstract: Presently the construction of communities into peaceful ones with good security order mainly takes two forms: governmentdirected and communitypropelled. The former plays a dominant role. This research proposes that the key to constructing the current safe communities lies in turning the construction from the government domination towards the community autonomy. As China is in a period of social transition, public security problems are common in communities. In the construction of safe communities, too much reliance on the government is prone to leading to community dependency and wearing down their willpower. Community is a micro social body. The autonomy shift in “safe community” construction is of substantial significance either to fully exploiting and using community resources or to cultivating and developing the mechanism of community selfgovernance.

Key words: community, safe community, community construction

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