社会工作与管理 ›› 2019, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (4): 7-13.

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万国威, 裴婷昊   

  1. 南开大学周恩来政府管理学院,天津,300350
  • 收稿日期:2019-03-02 出版日期:2019-07-15 发布日期:2019-06-27
  • 作者简介:万国威(1986-),男,汉族,副教授,博士;主要研究方向:社会政策。
  • 基金资助:

Towards an Investment-oriented Country for Children: Historical Limitations and Epochal Ransformation of China's Children Welfare—Department of the Ministry of Civil Affairs

WAN Guowei, PEI Tinghao   

  1. Zhou Enlai School of Government, Nankai University, Tianjin, 300350, China
  • Received:2019-03-02 Online:2019-07-15 Published:2019-06-27

摘要: 在对中国儿童福利进行理论梳理和经验总结的基础上发现,中国儿童福利长期以来与世界主流趋势存在差异,补缺型儿童福利制度的形成及其路径依赖具有一定的历史合理性。同时,尽管近年来各地儿童福利在辐射范围、项目类型及政府购买力度等方面取得了一定的突破,但是立法层次、部门权责、协调机制、机构转型、儿童分类、家庭教育、社工建设、福利设施和区域平衡等九个典型问题仍然深刻困扰着制度的有效运行。未来我国应当积极迈向儿童投资型国家,重点实现育儿理念、育儿职能、育儿模式和育儿支持的四个时代转向。

关键词: 历史局限, 儿童福利, 儿童投资型国家, 时代转向, 儿童福利司

Abstract: Based on the theoretical analysis and experience summary of China's child welfare, it is found that China's child welfare has been different from the world's mainstream for a long time,and the formation and persistence of child welfare in China cater to certain historical limitations. At the same time, some progress has been made in its radiation scope, project types and purchasing power in recent years, but nine typical problems, such as the legislation level, department responsibilities, coordination mechanism, institutional transformation, children's classification, family education, social work construction, welfare facilities and regional balance, still deeply plague the effective operation of the child welfare system. In the future, China should actively step to the investment country for children, focusing on the realization offour epoch transformation with parenting ideas, parenting functions, parenting models and parenting support.

Key words: historical limitations, children welfare, investment-oriented country for children, epochal transformation, Department of Children Welfare


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