SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT ›› 2013, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (2): 74-83.

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to Social Resistance and Social Contention

ZHONG Yunhua   

  1. (Department of Police Administration, Sichuan Police College, Luzhou, Sichuan, 646000, P. R. China)
  • Received:2012-09-05 Online:2013-03-15 Published:2013-03-15

Abstract:  Criminal social resistance refers to an individuals resistance and refusal of the social system by means of crime and a nonrealistic conflict evolved from the struggle for interests. Criminal social resistance develops through four basic acts: significant conflict over interests, strugglers expression about interests, continuous suppression by the strong party, and release of hostility. The basic motivations for the serial acts are four elements: suppression, legitimacy, sense of being deprived, and possibility of recovering what is deprived, which interact with one another and shape the strugglers marginalized personality that is to be externalized as an ethic behavior to gain recognition and dignity at all costs.

Key words: social contention, criminal social resistance, acts

[1] SONG qinghua. On Kants Metaphysical Theory of the Ideal [J]. SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13(2): 65-73.
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