SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT ›› 2014, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (1): 40-44.

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Social Reorganizationalization: An Exploration into the New Functions
of  Urban Neighborhood Committees

 SUI  Yu-Jie, CHEN  Li-Guang   

  1. Department of Social Work, School of Sociology and Population Study, Renmin University of China,
    Beijing, 100872, China
  • Online:2014-01-15 Published:2014-01-15

Abstract: Abstract: In undertaking the responsibility for social reorganizationalization, urban neighborhood committees not only have advantages but also encounter challenges. Urban neighborhood committees have been endowed with the responsibility since their birth, which has been reiterated and reinforced thereafter in the series of policy documents. Since China’s reform and opening up, great importance has been attached to the social reorganizationalization function of urban neighborhood committees. The theory of corporatism provides theoretical support for urban neighborhood committees to undertake tee responsibility. And the perfect organizational system of the committees furnish the realistic condition for the realization of the function. In the meantime, there are some obstacles. Urban neighborhood committees should play a pivotal role in social reorganizationalization so as to promote social management innovation.

Key words:  social reorganization, urban neighborhood committees, corportism, innovating social management

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