SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT ›› 2017, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (4): 5-11.

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Review and Prospect of the Researches on Social Work Supervision in China: Based on Papers by CNKI from 1998 and 2015

ZHANG Hongying   

  1. School of Philosophy and Social Development, Shandong University, Jinan Shandong 250100, China
  • Received:2017-03-30 Online:2017-07-15 Published:2017-07-12

Abstract: The quantitative analysis of the relevant documents collected in the CNKI database from 1998 to 2015 shows that the number of relevant researches on social work supervision in China is very small. 2009 works as a watershed, with only 1-2 paper in the previous years, and about 10 papers thereafter. In terms of the number of papers in the core journals, only about 6 papers of social work supervision have been published in the core journals in the past two decades. Besides, when it comes to the regional distribution of the first author, East China has become the main productive place of social work supervision. Besides, empirical research is the mainstream, and there is a phenomenon of "rupture" between action and research. In the 20 years, research on social work supervision in China mainly develops in two orientations, namely the internship and practice supervision, with focus on several key issues, including theory application and present situation and improvement and overseas experience introduction etc. In the future, action research, interdisciplinary dialogue, the introduction of foreign advanced experience, and comparative study are expected to be conducted in social work supervision researches.

Key words: social work supervision, internship supervision

CLC Number: 

  • C916
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