SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT ›› 2019, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (4): 73-79.

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The Application of Three Social Organizations Linkage in Foreigners’ Social Management and Social Service: The Experience of Guangzhou

LIU Yuzhen, YANG Jie   

  1. Department of Social Work, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou Guangdong, 510006, China
  • Received:2018-07-08 Online:2019-07-15 Published:2019-06-27

Abstract: With a growing number of foreigners coming to China, the difficulty in managing foreign residents is increasing. There is a need of transformation in management idea from public security to social service. Through motiving and integrating multiple social resources, ‘Three Social Organizations Linkage’ is an innovative and effective way of social governance. In the example of social work service to foreigners in Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, ‘Three Social Organizations Linkage’ operates in the way that social work organization undertakes government's procurement of public service, and shares information and coordinates activities with local social administration offices, community social service departments, property management companies, and foreigner's social organizations. From the perspective of social workers, the linkage is necessary and efficient in most cases. However, due to the inconsistency of management goals and service goals, problems of role unclearness and role conflict exist, which reduce the effects of social service.

Key words: social management of foreigners, social service, Three Social Organization Linkage

CLC Number: 

  • C916
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