SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT ›› 2020, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (2): 92-100.

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The Impact of Family Guardianship on the Pattern of Child Living Allowances: A Comparative Policy Analysis

WANG Huaqi, WU Qian, ZHAO Jing   

  1. School of Humanities, Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangshu, 210009, China
  • Received:2019-10-22 Online:2020-03-15 Published:2020-04-10

Abstract: In recent years, China has rapidly shifted its anti-poverty policies for children from traditionally subsiding family income to enhancing children's ability. Based on the household survey of vulnerable children from seven sub-districts in the civil affairs department of District J, City A, this paper compares the basic allowance for children in the new project with the existing subsistence allowance projects in the light of family monitoring using disordered multi-classification logistic regression analysis. It is found that neither the composition of family guardians nor the degree of malpractice of guardianship had significant influence on the two types of policies. Nevertheless, both the types of guardianship distress and the levels of guardianship deficiency had strong impact on the subsistence allowance and had barely any effect on the basic allowance for children.Economic poverty and children’s distress have opposite effects on both types of policies.The lower the level of poverty, the more likely children are to receive child allowance. The lower the severity of disability, the more likely the child is to receive welfare.It is suggested that we should continue to optimize policies of subsistence allowance and child insurance for effective alleviation of children’s material poverty , and encourage more cooperation of policy enforcement departments and scientific research departments. In this way we can better identify the types or degrees of family guardianship difficulties and make it easier for implementing anti-poverty policies for children.

Key words: child poverty reduction, policy on child living allowances, family guardianship deficiencies

CLC Number: 

  • C916
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