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    The Basic Framework and Local Development of Financial Social Work Education
    FANG Shu, XIE Shidong
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2020, 20 (2): 5-15. 
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    Internationally, financial and social work has accumulated rich experience and established a systematic framework, while professional financial and social work education has gradually advanced in the past decade. As China's economy and society entered a new phase, it is found that finance, society and individual welfare are increasingly interconnected and complexly mixed, while the financial inclusion for disadvantaged groups and the financial enabling services for the public are to be of more importance and urgency. This paper takes the exploratory training such as MSW in financial social work in Central University of Finance and Economics as an example, it analyzes the basic framework and local development of financial social work education in China. From the education content, knowledge and aim, training system such as curriculum development, construction of internship and training platforms as well as the training mechanism of teaching plus practice and research of financial social work, it argues that a MSW financial social work education mode can be constructed which responds to the needs of financialization in the society and aims at localization.
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    What is Financial Social Work and Its Development in the United States
    HUANG Jin, FANG Shu, ZHOU Xiaochun
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2020, 20 (2): 16-23. 
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    Financial social work is a new practice area. In the paper,finance is regarded as a broader concept referring to everything related to money, economy and financial resources of the service objects, including their incomes, wealth, assets, consumption, credit, debt and financial risks, etc. To reach the core target of the financial well-being, such basic ways as enhancing individual and family financial capability are commonly adopted. Financial social work practices in America are based on the framework of financial capability and asset building (FCAB), one gives explanations to how financial inclusion, financial knowledge and skills, and financial capability and financial well-being, are related and connected. Guided by this framework, the services of different financial social work practices are to be identified. In China, a broader development network for financial social work can be constructed by starting and optimizing curriculum, expanding service fields, reviewing and assessing service effects, consolidating cooperation with financial agencies and markets, and strengthening research and exploration.
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    Financial Social Work for Senior Citizens: Their Needs and Its Responses
    YIN Yin, ZHANG Lin
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2020, 20 (2): 24-31. 
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    The rapid aging of the population has posed stronger demand for financial services for senior citizens. As they are in a special life cycle stage, their financial needs are characterized by specialization, diversification and complexity. Financial social work, supported by national policies and social forces, while guided by altruism, has gradually advanced and come up with another remedy for shortcomings of market behavior. Based on their special financial needs, financial social work shall be carried on through the following five ways as: financial cognitive and informational education; financial assets management and construction; financial risk defense and processing; financial asset distribution and family response; more financial opportunities for the poorer ones. In this way we can achieve helping the senior citizens to help themselves, enhancing old people’s financial well-being and their life quality.
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    Current Status and Influencing Factors of Financial Literacy of Chinese NGO Workers: Based on the Results of 956 Questionnaires in 31 provinces, City and Autonompus Region in China
    ZHOU Ling, DU Juan
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2020, 20 (2): 32-40. 
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    With rapid growth of social organizations in China, social workers are playing an increasingly important role in social development. Based on questionnaire surveys of 956 practitioners in 31 provinces and cities in China, the paper firstly shows the descriptive analysis of their financial literacy from dimensions of financial knowledge, financial skills and financial behavior. Secondly, based on the MLR(Multiple Linear Regression) analysis,the study analyzes the influence of different factors posed on practitioners’ financial literacy.The study found that about one-fifth of the employees of social organizations in China had a high score in financial literacy. Factors like age, gender, investment and self-assessed family economic status had a significant impact on it, while education, individual income, income stability, full-time public welfare span, and types of work institutions exerted no strong effect. It is suggested that more attention shall be paid to the financial literacy of social workers through integrating more practical courses of financial education into the training system, and actively promoting local financial social work specialty in China so as to expand the impact of social work on finance and society.
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    Development of Financial Social Work in China:Background, Content and Challenge
    ZHOU Xiaochun
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2020, 20 (2): 41-48. 
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    Financial social work in China boasts accelerated growth, arousing heated discussions and participation.Though analysis on relevant theories, papers and discussion on backgrounds, actions and challenges of financial social work, the study finds that Chinese society is faced with the lingering relative poverty, the wider wealth gap, the interactive influence from social digitalization and financialization, the new digital division and the new financial exclusion to the vulnerable groups, etc. Financial social work offers a powerful supplement for professionals to deal with the above social problems. Interventions can be carried out from two factors of financial literacy and opportunity, five areas of income, assets, consumption, credit and security, as well as from micro-, medium- and macro-levels.The study also discusses the four challenges facing the finance social work, namely, under-participation of financial service systems, inadequate digital technologies, cultural lag and a lack of professional awareness and skills.
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    A Paradox of Professional Identity: The Unexpected Consequences of Professional Internship for Social Work Majors: From the Perspective of Sociology of Professions
    LI Mianguan, YUE Pengyan
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2020, 20 (2): 49-57. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (800KB) ( 2331 )
    It is shown that social work internship has a contradictory effect on students' professional identity: on the one hand, students willingly value social work expertise, while on the other hand, they are reluctant to further engage in the profession. The internship has a distinct impact on students' ideographic and instrumental identity, which can be partially explained by occupational sociology. Expertise of social work shall be accumulated through both classroom education and professional internship. As a prerequisite for future career, social work internship offers real life and relatively restrictive scenario that, through testing and reflection, increases students' recognition. However, weak corporate and clinical autonomy leads to lower occupational autonomy in social work, characterized by "marginal administration" in specific situations in China. The students experiencing "marginal administration" in internship show weakened willingness to engage in social work services.
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    Study on the Evaluation Mechanism for Social Work Participating in the Service of the Public Welfare Institutions
    TAN Lei
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2020, 20 (2): 58-64. 
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    Professional evaluation serves as the main way to test effectiveness of social work services in public welfare institutions. It can optimize their institutional management, enhance service objects’ life quality and practitioners’ professional abilities, benefit governmental and public evaluation or supervision on service purchasing. Such professional evaluation shall be of standardization, stabilization and localization, with high openness and participation.It is found that the organizational system of the evaluation involves government purchasers, third-party evaluation agencies, service objects, public welfare agencies, social work agencies and front-line social workers and other stakeholders. An equal partnership should be gradually promoted. Ethical issues shall be clarified and explained on selection of team memberships, team neutrality and protection of evaluator’s rights and interests.
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    Psychodrama: A Professional Method for Social Work
    WANG Xiaohui, LIU Aiqin
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2020, 20 (2): 65-70. 
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    While social work in China are showing a promising picture, there is the unbalance between theory and practice.In response to real needs, social work teachers and workers are introducing a variety of practical treatment models.Psychological drama, as an "action-focused" approach, fits the profession highly and is in need of more attention. Some important concepts of it are here and now, creativity and spontaneity, with the role theory being the core. Psychodrama finds common ground with social work in the shared positive view of people, the thinking on society, and the stress on relationship.It can be applied to different levels and services of social work.
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    Time Banking in Community Building: Advantages, Dilemmas and Strategies Improvement: A case Study of LanJiang Street in Lanxi City
    ZHAO Dingdong, HUANG Zhaoyi
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2020, 20 (2): 71-80,91. 
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    Time bank is a relay of love characterized by "service for service". This point-exchange-based voluntary service has become a new platform which encourages residents’ participation in community management and enhances mutual assistance in neighborhood. In community construction, while Lanjiang Subdistrict Time Banks encourages multiple-subject-driven management, resident-friendly activities and incentive mechanism for common people, "Lanjiang mode" lacks human support for effective operation and endogenous forces from social organizations. Phenomena like predominance of depositing rather than withdrawing score is increasingly worrying, while individual kindness-relied community support network has not yet been born. From three stages of self-organized agglomeration, self-organized order-keeping and self-organized promotion, time banks can take on the role of keeping regional communities together.
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    Underpinning Social Security Mechanism from the Perspective of Synergetic Governance: On the Coupling Mechanism of Structural Synergy and Procedural Synergy
    HUANG Jianfeng, YAN Zi
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2020, 20 (2): 81-91. 
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    Due to institutional rigidity, fragmented relief resources, and institutional segmentation, China's social relief system has lingering weaknesses and the security net for people's livelihood is incomplete for the underclass.Through analyzing prominent cases of the cooperative mechanism of underpinning social relief, practically, this paper discusses how the multiple relief subjects integrate resources for structural and procedural cooperation in the underpinning social relief on the practice level; on the theoretical level, this paper discusses the key factors of the successful coupling of structural and procedural synergies.It is found that goal consistency, governmental authority intervention and information sharing mechanism are seen as the driving force, key and core for successful collaborative coupling.The collaborative innovation in underpinning social assistance in the cases has important referential significance for the local governments on how to cooperate with social forces and build the resource pooling mechanism.
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    The Impact of Family Guardianship on the Pattern of Child Living Allowances: A Comparative Policy Analysis
    WANG Huaqi, WU Qian, ZHAO Jing
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2020, 20 (2): 92-100. 
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    In recent years, China has rapidly shifted its anti-poverty policies for children from traditionally subsiding family income to enhancing children's ability. Based on the household survey of vulnerable children from seven sub-districts in the civil affairs department of District J, City A, this paper compares the basic allowance for children in the new project with the existing subsistence allowance projects in the light of family monitoring using disordered multi-classification logistic regression analysis. It is found that neither the composition of family guardians nor the degree of malpractice of guardianship had significant influence on the two types of policies. Nevertheless, both the types of guardianship distress and the levels of guardianship deficiency had strong impact on the subsistence allowance and had barely any effect on the basic allowance for children.Economic poverty and children’s distress have opposite effects on both types of policies.The lower the level of poverty, the more likely children are to receive child allowance. The lower the severity of disability, the more likely the child is to receive welfare.It is suggested that we should continue to optimize policies of subsistence allowance and child insurance for effective alleviation of children’s material poverty , and encourage more cooperation of policy enforcement departments and scientific research departments. In this way we can better identify the types or degrees of family guardianship difficulties and make it easier for implementing anti-poverty policies for children.
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    Architectural Theory and Education in the Period of Italy Renaissance
    ZHOU Xiang
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2020, 20 (2): 101-105. 
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    Architecture in the Renaissance is seen as an form of art, and architecture education in this period found its origin in art education.This paper reveals the scientific and innovative characteristics of Renaissance architectural theories, summarizes the process and content of architectural education in art education during Italian Renaissance, and explains the integrated relationship between architectural education and architectural research in the early stages. It inspires us that architectural research and education today should be scientifically interconnected and integrated with mutual promotion so as to update contemporary architectural higher education.
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    Constructing a Quality Control System for Personnel Training in Sino-foreign Cooperative Education: A Case Study of GDUT Sino-foreign Cooperative Education Project
    ZHOU Xiaohui, ZHONG Hua
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2020, 20 (2): 106-112. 
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    The quality monitoring system for Chinese-foreign cooperative education and training offers basic quality control for its students and trainees. The paper provides analysis for the status quo of the talent quality monitoring system of Sino-foreign cooperative education and the major influence factors. On the basis of the management process and control theory, this paper introduces the experience of running such quality monitoring system in Guangdong University of Technology. For example, the university encourages quality culture, introduces high quality education resources, makes internationally featured training plans, highlights the quality monitoring of teaching while calling for support of the university administration and the cultivation of international atmosphere, etc.
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