SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT ›› 2021, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (1): 73-80.
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WANG HuiJuan
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[1] 姜妙屹. 试论我国家庭政策与儿童政策相结合的儿童优先脱贫行动[J]. 社会科学辑刊, 2019(4): 96-103 [2] 赵蜜. 儿童贫困表征的年龄与城乡效应[J]. 社会学研究, 2019(5): 192-216 [3] KATHLEEN S SHORT. Child poverty: Definition and measurement[J]. Academic pediatrics, 2016, 16(3): 46-51 [4] ROWNTREE BENJAMIN S. Poverty: A study of town life[M].London: Macmillan, 1901: 103. [5] ALBERTO MINUJIN. Making the case for measuring child poverty[J]. Child poverty and inequality, 2009(1): 14-17 [6] CAREY OPPENHEIM. Poverty: The facts[J]. CPAG, 1993(8): 36-77 [7] ANITA MYFANWY. Child poverty and social exclusion in rural Wales[EB/OL].[2009-10-31]. [8] NEERA SHARMAN. Breaking the cycle of child poverty[EB/OL].[2005-07-25]. [9] WAG. A fair future for our children: The strategy of the Welsh Assembly Government for tackling child poverty[EB/OL]. [2012-07-03]. [10] UNICEF. The state of the world’s children: Childhood under threat[EB/OL].[2005-10-15]. [11] CHILDFUND.Understanding children’s experience of poverty: An introduction to the DEV framework[EB/OL].[2019-05-01]. [12] JOHN MICKLEWRIGHT.Social exclusion and children: A European view for a US debate[EB/OL].[2002-01-12]. [13] EDWARD N WOLFF, MICHAEL SHERRADEN. Assets and the poor: A new American welfare policy[J]. Industrial and labor relations review, 1993, 46(2): 413-414 [14] GUO BAORONG, HUANG JIN, ZOU LI, et al. Asset based policy in rural China:An innovation in the retirement social insurance programme[J]. China journal of social work, 2008(1): 1-6 [15] WILLIANMS TRINA. The impact of household wealth and poverty on child outcomes: Examining asset effects[J]. Journal of poverty, 2007, 11(2): 93-116 [16] 邓锁. 资产建设与儿童福利:兼论儿童发展账户在中国的可行性[J]. 中国社会工作研究, 2012(1): 115-131 [17] 迈克尔·谢尔登. 资产与穷人——一项新的美国福利政策[M]. 北京: 商务印书馆, 2007: 277. [18] 吴世友, 朱眉华, 苑玮烨. 资产为本的干预项目与社会工作实务研究设计——基于上海市G机构的一项扶贫项目的试验性研究[J]. 社会建设, 2016(3): 50-59 [19] 陈树强. 社会排斥: 对社会弱势群体的重新概念化[EB/OL].[2005-02-07] [20] MARYAM ABDU, ENRIQUE DELAMONICA. Multidimensional child poverty:From complex weighting to simple representation[J]. Social indicators research, 2018, 136(3): 881-905 [21] 靳继东, 潘洪阳. 贫困与赋权:基于公民身份的贫困治理制度机理探析[J]. 吉林大学社会科学学报, 2012(2): 67-72 [22] 阿玛蒂亚·森. 以自由看待发展[M]. 北京: 中国人民大学出版社, 2002. [23] AMARTYA SEN. Investing in early childhood: Its role in development in annual meeting of the Inter-American development bank and the Inter-American investment corporation[C]//Annual meeting of the Inter-American development bank and the Inter-American investment corporation. Paris: 1999. [24] SANDY RUXTON,FRAN BENNETT. Including children? Developing a coherent approach to child poverty and social exclusion across Europe[EB/OL].[2002-01-01]. [25] THOMAS HAMMARBERG. The UN Convention on the rights of the child and how to make it work[J]. Human rights quarterly, 1990(12): 97-105 [26] 程福财. 流浪儿——基于对上海火车站地区流浪儿童的民族志调查[M].上海: 上海社会科学院出版社, 2008: 45. [27] JUSTIN MCNAMARA, ANN HARDING. Child social exclusion: An updated index from the 2006 Census[J]. Australian journal of labor economics, 2009, 12(1): 41-64 [28] 孙健忠,TESS RIDGE. 童年贫穷与社会排除: 儿童的观点[M]. 台北: 心理出版社股份有限公司, 2007. [29] PAUL LITTLEWOOD, SEBASTIAN HERKOMMER. Social exclusion in Europe: Problems and paradigms[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate, 1999: 1-22. [30] PERCY SMITH, JANIE. Policy responses to social exclusion: Towards inclusion?[M].Buckingham: Open University Press, 2000: 1-21. [31] GERRY RODGERS, GORE CHARLES. Social exclusion: Rhetoric, reality, responses[M]. Geneva: ILO/ⅡLS, 1995: 43-57. [32] 曾群, 魏雁滨. 失业与社会排斥:一个分析框架[J]. 社会学研究, 2004(3): 11-20 [33] 李晓明, 杨文健. 儿童多维贫困测度与致贫机理分析——基于CFPS数据库[J]. 西北人口, 2018(1): 95-103 [34] 刘玉亭. 转型期中国城市贫困的社会空间[M]. 北京: 科学出版社, 2005: 11, 47, 116. [35] LEU CHAO-HSIEN, CHEN KE-MEI, CHEN HSIU-HIU. A multidimensional approach to child poverty in Taiwan[J]. Children and youth services review, 2016(66): 35-44 |
[1] | WANG Huaqi, WU Qian, ZHAO Jing. The Impact of Family Guardianship on the Pattern of Child Living Allowances: A Comparative Policy Analysis [J]. SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2020, 20(2): 92-100. |
[2] | ZHU Zhiwei, KANG Jiao. The Justice Foundation and Practical Target of Social Work Participation in Precise Poverty Alleviation: Based on the Reflection of John Rawls' View of Justice [J]. SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2019, 19(5): 68-75. |
[3] | PENG Xiaobing, CHEN Lingli. On Building a Social Support Network: Spiritual Poverty Intervention for the Elderly in Urban Clusters of the Aged: Investigation Based on F District of Chongqing [J]. SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2019, 19(5): 83-92. |
[4] | TAN Yajun, GUO Zhanfeng. The Role of Rural Social Work from the Perspective of Precise Poverty Alleviation [J]. SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2017, 17(5): 79-84. |