SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT ›› 2021, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (3): 30-45.

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The Marginalization Dilemma and Development Crisis of Social Work Major: A Case Study of a University


  1. Department of Social Work, Shandong University, Weihai, Shandong, 264209, China
  • Received:2020-10-02 Online:2021-05-15 Published:2021-05-21

Abstract: In the field of higher education, the development of professional education is affected by the dual qualities of social work and the external opportunity structure.When social work major is slow to develop due to adverse factors such as less historical accumulation, insufficient localization and lack of external support, the internal opportunity structure of school becomes a key factor in determining the success or failure of social work education. The case analysis shows that structural forces inside a university put social work major in a disadvantageous position in the whole discipline system of a university through a series of marginalization such as negation of competence, deprivation of development opportunities and structural solidification. It has significantly weakened the effectiveness of the self-development of social work major, profoundly affected the cultivation of social work professional qualities, the accumulation of professional capabilities and the play of professional functions, and brought a serious professional crisis to social work. Reducing the dangers of marginalization and resolving the development crisis requires the joint efforts of social work major and universities to truly achieve the connotative development of social work professional education.

Key words: social work, marginalization, development crisis, opportunity structure

CLC Number: 

  • C916
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