SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT ›› 2022, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (5): 78-86.

• SHEHUI GUANLI • Previous Articles    

An Analysis of the Effect of the Basic Medical Insurance for Urban and Rural Residents on Alleviating Old Age Poverty in China: From the Perspective of Dual Poverty

HUANG Qinglin, LI Ting   

  1. School of Marxism, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510520, China
  • Received:2022-03-02 Published:2022-09-21

Abstract: Based on the CLHLS(2018) data, a Logstic model was established to empirically analyze the effect of basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents on elderly poverty from the perspectives of absolute poverty and relative poverty. The results show that, first of all, the basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents has an effect of alleviating poverty among urban and rural elderly residents. In the total sample, participation in the basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents can effectively reduce the incidence of absolute poverty. In the sub sample, the basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents has different effects on the incidence of relative poverty among urban and rural elderly residents. In addition, the improvement of the level of insurance can significantly reduce the incidence of poverty. Based on the conclusions of the paper, some suggestions are proposed. First, an accurate identification mechanism for elderly relative poverty should be established imminently and improved gradually. In addition, the government need to achieve the equalization of urban and rural public services as well as reasonable increasing in the level of security. What’s more, a gradient assistance mechanism should be innovated and differentiated treatments are supposed to implement. Finally, the coordination between medical security and social assistance need to be strengthened.

Key words: basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents, old age poverty, absolute poverty, relative poverty

CLC Number: 

  • C916
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