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    , Volume 22 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Value Reconstruction, Scene Shaping and Action Empowerment: Three Foundations for Social Work to Participate in the Community Construction of Community Environmental
    LUO Qiao, TANG Haoran
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2022, 22 (5): 5-14. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (707KB) ( 2644 )
    Environmental governance is an important way to promote the modernization of the harmonious symbiosis between man and nature. As a basic unit of society, communities have received attention from the fields of social sciences. Environmental social work, a branch of social work, takes differentiated care as a starting point to conduct practical explorations of community governance. At the level of values, social work can try to reconstruct an “environment-society” compound justice concept on the basis of shallow ecology and deep ecology. At the level of scenario theory, social work should examine the transition from focusing on environmental education to cooperating with the public and other diverse subjects to solve current environmental problems, and trying to shape an environmental governance community based on community belonging. At the level of power relations, an inter-subjective action empowerment method is created to provide a practical basis for social work to participate in the construction of a community environmental governance community.
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    Transforming the “ Threateners ”: Social Work’s Engagement in Community-Based Co-Management of Nature Reserves
    LIN Fangfei, ZHANG Zihao
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2022, 22 (5): 15-28. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (1065KB) ( 2440 )
    Responding to global ecological crisis requires more interdisciplinary collaborations. Social work has been undergoing a transition from pursuing social justice to promoting broader ecological justice. The exploration in ecological protection has no longer restricted to the field of natural environment, but focused more on the community work around nature reserves in reconstructing the harmonious relationships between human and nature. Taking the practice of community-based co-management in B Nature Reserve in Sichuan Province as a case, this article mainly discusses the feasibility and effect of social work participating in community work around nature reserves. This article argues that social work has professional advantages in the work of community-based co-management in nature reserves, and the relationship between B Nature Reserve and its surrounding community has been effectively improved by the practice based on the social work principles of mutual respect, equality and empowerment, and the strengths perspective. Meanwhile, local community residents have experienced the identity transformation from “threats” to “protectors” of the ecological environment. The participation of social work also coordinate the relationship between economic development and ecological protection. In addition, combined with China’s ecological civilization construction, this article envisions a promising future for ecological/green social work in the fields of education and practice.
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    Research on the Construction of Environmental Social Work Method System with Advocacy as the Core
    CHENG Pengli
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2022, 22 (5): 29-35. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (767KB) ( 2473 )
    China’s environmental social work has developed rapidly in recent years, but on the whole, it is still in the stage of theory introduction and spontaneous practice. Promoting the method research at the mezzo-level has important theoretical research and practical guiding value. On the basis of summarizing the previous research results on the practical model, combined with the practical experience of the team, this paper attempts to build a general framework of the advocacy method of environmental social work: Object-Goal-Strategy-Tactic-Role; Using the method framework to analyze practical cases, it is considered that there are three target types of social work advocacy method to intervene in environmental and ecology: policy advocacy aimed at the government, action advocacy aimed at enterprises and consciousness advocacy aimed at the people. In different advocacy types, social workers use different strategies and specific tactics, assume different roles and intervene in the service objects, so as to promote the change of policies, the implementation of actions and the change of ideas, and finally promote environmental friendly behavior and promote the practice of ecological civilization.
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    Research on Social Workers’ Environmental Consciousness from the Perspective of Green Social Work
    FENG Boya
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2022, 22 (5): 36-46. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (1150KB) ( 2437 )
    Scholars in China gradually pay attention to the normative research on green social work, but there is a lack of empirical research on social workers’ environmental consciousness. This study adopts the method of purposive sampling, and selects 12 employees from different levels and positions of community stations in the core area and suburbs of A city for semi-structured interviews. Constructing a green social work perspective environmental consciousness research framework to thematically analyze the interviewed texts, we found that social workers focus on the main line of government-oriented community-level environmental tasks, balance the environmental work roles of assisting government and residents, blur their own responsibilities in environmental work, and empirically think about socio-ecological environmental relationships and destructurally look at environmental rights. The challenges faced by the localization development of green social work include: buyers dominate the focus of work, social workers lack self-reflection, and education circles and associations lack corresponding education content.
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    A Study of Financialization, Longevity and Financial Capability Enhancement
    LIU Changxi, CUI Zhanmin
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2022, 22 (5): 47-56. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (797KB) ( 2287 )
    With the accelerated process of financialization of society, financial societies are gradually formed. In the financial society, the problem of financial vulnerability of individuals and families has become more prominent. At the same time, longevity is an increasing trend, breaking the original three-stage model of study, work, and retirement. Financial sustainability arrangements in the centennial life model are of particular concern. Financial capability theories based on financialization, longevity and localization need to be integrated into an analytical framework of opportunity-efficacy-identity. Enhancing financial capability should become one of the important strategies for social development. Financial social work is a major force in enhancing the financial capability of society and building financial society.
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    Financial Social Work as Assistance to Intelligent Old-Age Care: The Perspective of Active Ageing
    YIN Yin, CUI Youyou
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2022, 22 (5): 57-63. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (929KB) ( 2347 )
    In the intelligent age, intelligent old-age care has integrated the internet into traditional mode, which brought many opportunities and challenges. Financial social work can support the intelligent old-age care in many aspects from the perspective of active ageing. At the micro level, it meets the diversified needs of the older adults, explores the potential of the elderly and narrows the digital divide, increases the well-being of older adults through financial empowerment, strengthens the health management and life care of the elderly in the family, provides humanistic care to make up for the lack of spirit; resists financial risks with digital feedback. At the mezzo level, it carries out community activities and builds a smart community based on the community, carries out financial education and increases financial knowledge; assists financial institutions to strengthen financial innovation and develops financial service products for the elderly; leads financial institutions to adapt to aging transformation. At the macro level, financial social workers do a good job in social advocacy and policy advocacy by linking resources.
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    Research on Social Work Practice in Post-Disaster Transitional Resettlement Area: Taking the “7·20” Catastrophic Flood Disaster in Xinxiang as an Example
    JI Wenxiao, LI Erpeng, Wang Ning
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2022, 22 (5): 64-77. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (1063KB) ( 2375 )
    In July 2021, Xinxiang City, Henan Province suffered a major flood disaster, causing huge losses to the local area. In this context, based on a social work practice in a post-disaster transitional resettlement area, this study uses the Atlas.ti qualitative research software to code and analyze the data collected by social workers during the service process with the “vulnerability-resilience” analysis framework. It was found that social workers in the transitional resettlement area showed different degrees of vulnerability in the process of interacting with the administrative management of the resettlement area, the affected people and other professionals, and social workers also actively used their disaster resilience to respond. Based on this, we can continue to explore from the aspects of service subject, service concept, service content and service strategy, so as to construct a “relationship-based” social work practice model in the post-disaster transitional resettlement stage, to further enrich the practice in the field of disaster social work.
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    An Analysis of the Effect of the Basic Medical Insurance for Urban and Rural Residents on Alleviating Old Age Poverty in China: From the Perspective of Dual Poverty
    HUANG Qinglin, LI Ting
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2022, 22 (5): 78-86. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (863KB) ( 2213 )
    Based on the CLHLS(2018) data, a Logstic model was established to empirically analyze the effect of basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents on elderly poverty from the perspectives of absolute poverty and relative poverty. The results show that, first of all, the basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents has an effect of alleviating poverty among urban and rural elderly residents. In the total sample, participation in the basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents can effectively reduce the incidence of absolute poverty. In the sub sample, the basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents has different effects on the incidence of relative poverty among urban and rural elderly residents. In addition, the improvement of the level of insurance can significantly reduce the incidence of poverty. Based on the conclusions of the paper, some suggestions are proposed. First, an accurate identification mechanism for elderly relative poverty should be established imminently and improved gradually. In addition, the government need to achieve the equalization of urban and rural public services as well as reasonable increasing in the level of security. What’s more, a gradient assistance mechanism should be innovated and differentiated treatments are supposed to implement. Finally, the coordination between medical security and social assistance need to be strengthened.
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    Research on the Objectives and Policy Instruments of Social Work Policies for the Elderly: Based on the Analysis of 58 Central Policy Texts
    MAI Yingte
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2022, 22 (5): 87-96. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (1087KB) ( 2257 )
    The social work policies for the elderly are the institutional basis for regulating and supporting the integrated development of social work. Through the method of content analysis, 58 central-level policies on social work for the elderly are used as samples to explore the origin and development of elderly social work policies, the distribution of policy goals, the combination configuration of policy tools, and the ambiguity of tools. It is found that the policy objectives of social work for the elderly focus on the construction of the elderly service system, and the policy tools have formed a structure of tools mainly of supply and environment type, and China has established a policy framework of social work for the elderly that includes target clients, service contents, ways to participate in the affairs of the elderly, supervision and management, and incentives measures. However, there are problems of unbalanced structure of policy tools and high degree of policy ambiguity in social work policy for the elderly. Therefore, it is recommended to optimize the allocation of tools, improve policy clarity, and promote the legalization process of social work policy for the elderly.
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