SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT ›› 2022, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (5): 87-96.

• SHEHUI ZHENGCE • Previous Articles    

Research on the Objectives and Policy Instruments of Social Work Policies for the Elderly: Based on the Analysis of 58 Central Policy Texts

MAI Yingte   

  1. School of Government, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518071, China
  • Received:2022-03-16 Published:2022-09-21

Abstract: The social work policies for the elderly are the institutional basis for regulating and supporting the integrated development of social work. Through the method of content analysis, 58 central-level policies on social work for the elderly are used as samples to explore the origin and development of elderly social work policies, the distribution of policy goals, the combination configuration of policy tools, and the ambiguity of tools. It is found that the policy objectives of social work for the elderly focus on the construction of the elderly service system, and the policy tools have formed a structure of tools mainly of supply and environment type, and China has established a policy framework of social work for the elderly that includes target clients, service contents, ways to participate in the affairs of the elderly, supervision and management, and incentives measures. However, there are problems of unbalanced structure of policy tools and high degree of policy ambiguity in social work policy for the elderly. Therefore, it is recommended to optimize the allocation of tools, improve policy clarity, and promote the legalization process of social work policy for the elderly.

Key words: policy of elderly social work, policy tool, policy ambiguity, content analysis

CLC Number: 

  • C916
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