SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT ›› 2023, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (2): 37-46.

• SHEHUI GONGZUO • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Research on the Effect of Online Financial Education on the Improvement of Social Workers' Financial Literacy

ZHOU Ling, ZHANG Dong   

  1. Department of Public Administration, Beijing City University, Beijing, 100094, China
  • Received:2022-08-30 Online:2023-03-15 Published:2023-04-27

Abstract: The improvement of social workers' financial literacy is of great significance to both themselves and their clients. Based on the first online financial education program for social workers, this study is aimed to improve their financial competence in China, and evaluates its effectiveness through pre-and post-training, and explores the impact of personal factors. The study found that social workers who participated in the training were very inadequate in financial education background, relevant training opportunities, and only a very little part of them have the habit of actively learning financial knowledge at their daily times. At the same time, they are facing challenges in improving financial literacy. Online financial education can play a significant role in improving the financial literacy of social workers, among which the improvement of financial literacy of male social workers, social workers with a graduate degree or above and more than 7 years of full-time work is more significant. With the improvement of the financial literacy, social workers have stronger willingness and confidence to carry out relevant services. Finally, the study puts forward four suggestions for improving the financial literacy of social work in China.

Key words: financial education, financial literacy, financial social worker

CLC Number: 

  • C916
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