SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT ›› 2023, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (4): 5-14.

• SHEHUI GONGZUO •     Next Articles

A Study on the Influencing Factors and Action Paths of the Children Directors Policy Implementation: From the Perspective of Perform System Model of Meter-Horn Policy

YANG Li1, LI Wenbin1, PAN Yanling2   

  1. 1. School of Political Science, Law and Economics;
    2. Science and Technology Department, Chongqing university of science & Technology,Chongqing,401331,china
  • Received:2023-02-02 Online:2023-07-15 Published:2023-07-18

Abstract: After ten years of exploration, the policy of children directors has been gradually extended from pilot areas to the entire country. Children directors become an important force in promoting the development of the national child welfare governance system and governance capacity. This study conducts empirical research based on the Mitt-Horn public policy implementation system model with the sample of C City. Our study finds that there are three action paths among the influencing factors of the implementation of the children directors policy: goal ambiguity type, resource constraint type and organizational defect type. The effect of the implementation of children directors policy is the result of the coupling of policy, environment and organizational elements. This ultimately affects the implementation effect at the micro level through the child director's understanding and handling of the policy. To improve the effect of children directors policy, we need to further clarify the policy objectives, increase external resources, and promote the organizational governance of children directors and strengthen their training and support.

Key words: children directors, policy implementation, Mitt-Horn model, influencing factors, action path

CLC Number: 

  • C916
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