SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT ›› 2017, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (1): 78-83.

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A Study on the Development Path for Anti-drug Social Work: Based on the Interpretation of Parsons AGIL Model

HONG Pei, FEI Meiping   

  1. School of Social and Public Administration, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, 200237, China
  • Received:2016-10-19 Online:2017-01-15 Published:2017-01-15


Based on the Parsons AGIL Model of Functional Analysis, we can find several weaknesses in current China Anti-drug social work such as the shortage of human resources and financial resources; simple and divergent target; the imperfect joint-mechanism in relative departments and the deficient regulations and policies. The detailed strategies to improve the development of Anti-drug social work should focus on meeting the functional requirements of adaptation, goal attainment, integration and latency. It should include establishing and upgrading the government purchasing system and professional team building system to improve the function of resources attainment; targeting on different service objectives to lead a comprehensive result in anti-drug social work; building the anti-drug social work service system to improve the integration inside and outside of system gradually, to perfect the regulations and policies further and to strengthen the system model.

Key words: AGIL model, anti-drug social work, development path

CLC Number: 

  • C916

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