SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT ›› 2013, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (6): 70-75.

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Government Purchasing Social Work Service in the Perspective of Transaction Cost Theory: Model Comparison and Strategy Selection——With Guangzhou and Shenzhen Practice as an Example

LIU Zhipeng, HAN Ye   

  1. School of Politics and Administration, SouthChina Normal University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510631, China
  • Online:2013-11-15 Published:2013-11-15

Abstract: Abstract:
With the continuous development of social work in the mainland in recent years, many local governments have begun to purchase social work service, suggesting a form of functional transformation. In the Pearl River Delta region, there are two main types of government purchasing social work services: Guangzhou pattern of project purchase and Shenzhen pattern of position purchase. The two models has distinct characteristics, with their respective advantages and disadvantages. The project purchase pattern separates the functions of the government and the agency and therefore brings about higher efficiency in social service, but the government has to pay a higher price for motivation and supervision and there are moral risks in the entrusterentrsutee relationship. Position purchase pattern is conducive to rapid operation of social work service at all levels, but the government has to pay a higher cost for coordination. The government should have different strategies in purchasing social work services and diversify their choices to meet the actual local conditions.

Key words: social work service, government purchase, project purchase, position purchase

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