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    , Volume 13 Issue 6 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    The Development of Social Work Research Paradigm
    and its Implications for Social Science Research
    LI Xiaofeng
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (6): 5-11. 
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    Based on the theoretical paradigm of social work research, indepth interpretation of qualitative research and comparative study of qualitative and quantitative method, this article reveals the impact on social science research development brought about by the multiple paradigm and the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods in social work research; furthermore it inspires our social science research on the route towards multiplication in establishing methodology and understanding and explaining the problems in human society.  
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    The Traits of the Web Society and its Management Innovation
    CHEN Jinsong
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (6): 12-19. 
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    society has such distinct traits as virtuality, flat structure, mutual subject and selfgoverning and hence is different from the real society. Thus the management of the web society has to face many new problems and challenges and is fundamentally different from the real society management. Introducing the theories and methods of web social work will be the most positive, effective and constructive response to the management of the virtual society.  
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    An Analysis of the Correlation between the Burden and the Mental
    Health of the Frail Elders Family Caregivers in Shanghai
    Lv Nan, LOU Weiqun
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (6): 20-24. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (1268KB) ( 2393 )
    The present study aims to examine the nature of the burden of frail elders family caregivers as well as its association with these caregivers mental health. The data was derived from the project “The wellbeing and needs of the family caregivers for the frail and very elderly in Shanghai”. Multiple regression is conducted to examine the association between the burden of family caregivers and their depressive symptoms. The results show that the family caregivers mainly reported their burdens in terms of time dependence burden and physical burden. Furthermore, the burden was found to be significantly associated with the depressive symptoms.  
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    Action and Dilemma in Labor Advocacy: From the Perspective of Individuals
    TAO Yanlan
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (6): 25-32. 
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    Based on dispute cases between labor and management, this paper analyzes the action features and dilemma of labor rights advocates from the perspectives of individuals. It is found that the labors right consciousness is not clear in the rights protection process, showing the “rational” action features as derived from feudal ethics and rites. In the social transformation of individualization, individual right consciousness has not been fully developed; state governance practice does not attach importance to the interests of labor, with individuals being separated but not embedded. As a result, the interaction of these factors is the deep cause for labor rights predicament. Individuals enjoy geographical mobility and have been freed from previous allencompassing social categories. But their rights are not well protected. The individualization of rural migrant workers is only a kind of partial individualization.  
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    Social Work Intervention of the Cleft Lip and Palate Patients Caregivers ——The Establishment of Social Workers and Caregivers Trust Alliance
    HUANG Jun
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (6): 33-38. 
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      The birth of the child with cleft lip and palate causes not only a great mental shock to the family but also tremendous mental stress to the patients caregivers. Based on the practical work and survey data associated with the project “Rebirth actionsocial and psychological support pilot service”, this article shows that due to the cleft lip and palate patients disease caregivers face difficulties in satisfying their physical, psychological and spiritual needs; while resource integration, welltargeted needs satisfaction and empowerment are the basis for social work intervention for cleft lip and palate patients caregivers. The establishment of trust alliance of social workers and caregivers may help the caregivers to gain related knowledge and skills, improve their motivation level, realize their right empowerment, as well as alleviate their negative emotions, enhance their confidence and promote the overall physical and mental rehabilitation of the patients.    
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    A New Experiment on GenderSensitive Social Work Intervention in Family Service——A Case Study of the Serial Project “Population Social Worker”
    CUI Xiaohui
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (6): 39-44. 
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    Abstract: The “population social worker” project was started under cooperation by the State Commission for Population and Family Planning and Oxfam in 2008 and expanded repeatedly in the ensuing years and now has developed into a serial project. This serial project attempts to introduce approaches and methods of gendersensitive social work into population and family planning work in order to promote the transformation of family planning work and improve family services. Meanwhile, group work and community work methods are employed to “empower” rural women, encourage their active participation in the public life of rural communities, improve womens welfare and promote gender equality. The results and experiences of the project can provide meaningful reference for the professionalization and development of social work.  
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    An Analysis of the Development and the Policy of Selfreliant Groups for the Disabled in China: An Organizational Environment Perspective
    HE Xin, HUO Yuhan
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (6): 45-51. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (1321KB) ( 3072 )
    The selfreliant groups for the disabled in China are characterized by small number, small scale, immaturity, slow development and the peripherality among the NGOs. Viewed from the organizational environment perspective, the development of the selfreliant groups for the disabled is mainly restrained by the legitimacy issue and the lack of supportive resources. It is suggested that the selfreliant groups for the disabled should be fostered and developed by means of policy regulation, legal system perfection and adjustment to the role of the Federation of the disabled so as to promote the enterprise for the disabled and upgrade their social welfare.
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    On the Changes of Trade Unions Welfare Function in Stateowned Enterprises
    WANG Xiaohui
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (6): 52-56. 
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    Trade unions, the largest mass organizations in China, should play their part in the current social construction. Trade unions in Stateowned enterprises, as the grassroot organizations, have long performed the function of welfare provision. In the planned economy period, trade unions in stateowned enterprises were responsible for passing on material benefits to employees in the unitbased system and responding to the employees needs of welfare. In the process of marketization, with the establishment of the national welfare system, the welfare function of trade unions in stateowned enterprises underwent weakening. The weakened function of welfare for trade unions in stateowned enterprises is inevitable, but excessive weakening may cause problems. Welfare is part of workers rights. The welfare function of grassroot trade unions should be enhanced so that they can better respond to the workers needs.
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    On the Advantages of Private Social Service Organizations in the Public Emergency Capability Construction——With Guangdong as an Example
    LIU Jinglin, ZHU Yakun
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (6): 57-62. 
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    One of the problems that the society and economic development are confronted with is the large number of emergencies and their destructive effects. However, the capabilities of both the government and the public to copy with emergent situations have left much room for improvement. Previous studies focus on the government, individual citizens, community construction, specific practices, etc. Viewed from the perspective of private social work agencies as a service platform and referring to the current situation of the professional social work development in Guangdong Province, especially the case in Guangzhou City, this paper argues for seven advantages of private social service organizations in the construction of public emergency capability: value advantage, professional advantage, specialty advantage, space and time advantage, method advantage, social basis advantage, and coordination mechanism advantage, which help to open up a realistic way for Chinese public emergency ability construction.
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    Exploring the Bottomline Principle and Countermeasures of Government Purchasing Public Services
    ZHU Jingjun
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (6): 63-69. 
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    Government purchasing service has been a highlight in the “pilot” social innovation campaign of GuangdongProvince. Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Zhongshan and many other cities have adopted various modes of service purchase such as project purchase and position purchase, given birth to a large number of social organizations, enhanced the recognition of social work by the government and the public, and demonstrated the professional value of social work in social welfare. This paper aims to explore the problems in the social work service and the government purchasing service in Guangzhou in order to formulate standard methods for government purchasing service.
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    Government Purchasing Social Work Service in the Perspective of Transaction Cost Theory: Model Comparison and Strategy Selection——With Guangzhou and Shenzhen Practice as an Example
    LIU Zhipeng, HAN Ye
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (6): 70-75. 
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    With the continuous development of social work in the mainland in recent years, many local governments have begun to purchase social work service, suggesting a form of functional transformation. In the Pearl River Delta region, there are two main types of government purchasing social work services: Guangzhou pattern of project purchase and Shenzhen pattern of position purchase. The two models has distinct characteristics, with their respective advantages and disadvantages. The project purchase pattern separates the functions of the government and the agency and therefore brings about higher efficiency in social service, but the government has to pay a higher price for motivation and supervision and there are moral risks in the entrusterentrsutee relationship. Position purchase pattern is conducive to rapid operation of social work service at all levels, but the government has to pay a higher cost for coordination. The government should have different strategies in purchasing social work services and diversify their choices to meet the actual local conditions.
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    On the Logic of Mass Line and its Practice in Higher Education:
     A Management Perspective
    ZHANG Guangyu1, LUO Jiawen2
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (6): 76-80. 
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    A decision was made at the 18th National Congress of the CPC to launch the campaign of mass line education and practice, which is meant for the further development of the mass line approach and its application to power exercise in the new historical era. The successful implementation of the campaign will make practical contribution to the unification of various forces and the achievement of the common goal. This paper takes a management perspective on the CPC mass line approach, elaborates the logical system of the mass line approach in higher education, including a hierarchical structure, an embedding structure and a procedural structure, and advances a route map for higher education institutions serving the masses.
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    An Entropy Methodbased Study of the Dynamic Evolution of Scientific
    and Technological Competitiveness of National Central Cities ——With Guangzhou as an Example
    YAO Lixia, LIAO Liping
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (6): 81-87. 
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    Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou and Chongqing have been recognized as the five national central cities in China and a study of the scientific and technological competitiveness of national central cities is imperative for the construction of an innovationoriented country and  innovationoriented cities. An entropy methodbased analysis of the relevant data of Guangzhou in the period of 2001-2010 with reference to a newly constructed comprehensive index system for assessing scientific and technological competitiveness shows that the scientific and technological development of Guangzhou is more exogenous than endogenous, which has affected rapid growth of Guangzhous scientific and technological competitiveness. The government is expected to speed up the transition of scientific and technological development from exogenous dependence to endogenous dependence and lay an emphasis on talent cultivation and employment, transformation of scientific and technological achievements and green technology to improve Guangzhous scientific and technological competiveness.
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    A Tentative Semantic Analysis of English Negative Suffixes:less and free
    CHENG Huanfu
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (6): 88-92. 
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    After reviewing the studies on English negative prefixes and on the basis of The Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), this paper mainly researches online adjectives with either “less ”or “free” as suffixes to induce the derivative mechanism and to explore the distinct meanings of the derived adjectives sharing both suffixes. Findings show that the two suffixes are attached to nouns alone and semantic restrictions are imposed on the nouns. Some rare linguistic data are googled on the Internet to verify the validity and productivity of the suffixes by deducing the wordformation rule, which can be a reflection of human thinking style.
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    A Study of Students Practical Innovation Ability Cultivation in Key Provincial Universities of Technology——With Guangdong University of Technology as an Example
    CHEN Zhuowu1, HUANG Huali2, ZHENG Peng3
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (6): 93-95. 
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    The cultivation of students practical innovation ability in key provincial universities of technology is a complicated and systematic project that needs the cooperation between the universities, the enterprises and the government and the inspiration of students inner desire for practical innovation. The universities and the enterprises should fulfill indepth cooperation and interactive development and the government should play a regulating role and make supportive policies. Thus the three parties can hopefully build an allround, systematic and institutionalized system to cultivate students practical innovation ability in universities of technology.
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    Discriminating the Relationship between Confucianism and Science in the case of Infectious Disease Patient Isolation
    WANG Hongche
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (6): 96-100. 
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    The distinct differences found between Confucianism and science lead to their division and confrontation. In case of an epidemic, people cannot strike a balance between sciencebased isolation and emotionbased Confucianism, which can affect disease control to a certain extent. But there also exists similarities between Confucianism and science beyond the differences, that is, both are in the service of human beings. This common ground can lead science and Confucianism to overcome their differences and get united in the situation of infectious disease patient isolation.
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