SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT ›› 2019, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (5): 46-51.
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QIN Yongchao
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[1] | 秦永超. 老人福祉视域下养老福利多元建构[J]. 山东社会科学, 2015(12):73-79 |
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[3] | 陈东, 张郁杨. 不同养老模式对我国农村老年群体幸福感的影响分析——基于CHARLS基线数据的实证检验[J]. 农业技术经济, 2015(4):78-88 |
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[12] | 郭于华. 代际关系中的公平逻辑及其变迁——对河北农村养老事件的分析[J]. 中国学术, 2001(4):221-254 |
[13] | 王跃生. 中国家庭代际关系的理论分析[J]. 人口研究, 2008(4):13-21 |
[14] | 陶艳兰. 代际互惠还是福利不足?——城市双职工家庭家务劳动中的代际交换与社会性别[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2011(4):13-19 |
[15] | 沈可. 中国老年人居住模式之变迁[M]. 北京:社会科学文献出版社, 2013:79. |
[16] | YEUNG G T Y, FUNG H H. Social support and life satisfaction among Hong Kong Chinese older adults:family first?[J]. European journal ageing, 2007, 20(4):219-227 |
[17] | 郑晓冬, 方向明. 农村空巢老人主观福利:经济支持还是情感支持[J]. 华南理工大学学报(社会科学版), 2016(6):26-34 |
[18] | 慈勤英, 宁雯雯. 家庭养老弱化下的贫困老年人口社会支持研究[J]. 中国人口科学, 2018(4):68-80 |
[1] | Fu Peng. Diversified Supply of Welfare for the Left-Behind Rural Elderly from the Perspective of Cooperative Governance: Taking Enshi, Hubei as an Example [J]. SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2022, 22(2): 87-96. |
[2] | GAO Ming. Demand Measurement and Satisfaction of Long-term Care Services for Urban and Rural Elderly Groups: A Case Study in Zhejiang Province [J]. SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2019, 19(5): 61-67,92. |
[3] | YIN Pingjun, WANG Li. On the Building of Social Support Mechanism for the Staybehind Elderly in Underdeveloped Rural Areas——An Empirical Research in Jiangxi [J]. SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12(3): 16-24. |