SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT ›› 2020, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (4): 12-19.

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An Intervention Study on Improving Social-Emotional Competence of Rural Children by Picture Book Reading: Taking the Children in Y Town in Yunnan Province as an Example

WANG Shuo1,2, YANG Jing2, GAO Wanhong1,2   

  1. 1. National Centre for Borderlands Ethnic Studies in Southwest;
    2. School of Ethnology and Sociology, Yunnan University, Kunming Yunnan, 650091, China
  • Received:2020-03-23 Online:2020-07-15 Published:2020-07-15

Abstract: The emotional interaction between infants and the outside world is of great significance in the establishment of early interpersonal relationships and social development. As an important part of early childhood development, social-emotional competence is thefoundation for the formation of healthy personality and good adaptability of children. A single-group pre-test and post-test design was adopted in this study. Six children aged 2-3 years were selected in Y town,R County, Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture by using CITSEA. Thegroup interventionwas carried out to explore the feasibility of improving social-emotionalproblems byreading picture books. It indicated that picture books which match the physical and mental development characteristics of children are a good tool for improving social-emotionalproblems. Children could take the behaviors of picture book characters and the other children in the group as an example, and integrate them into their daily lives. At the same time, the group intervention could help theparents in rural areas to realize the importance of early childhood development. The story meeting has also established a communication platform for parents, and enhanced the social support of caregivers.

Key words: picture book reading, rural children, social-emotional competence

CLC Number: 

  • C916
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