SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT ›› 2024, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (1): 79-89.

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Flexible Governance of International Community Driven by Social and Cultural Space Governance: Based on the Case of Q Community in Nanjing

WU Yanhua, ZHANG Zhihua   

  1. School of Public Administration, Hohai University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210098, China
  • Received:2023-07-28 Online:2024-01-15 Published:2024-01-15

Abstract: Flexible governance is increasingly becoming an important means for international communities to improve governance efficiency. Based on the analytical framework of social and cultural space and adopting the extended case method, this study analyzes the case of Q community, an international community in Nanjing, investigates the flexible governance mechanism driven by social and cultural space composed of core elements such as public space, social relations and community system. The study further explores the upgrading and transformation path of community governance. Our research suggests that public space is the kernel in practice. Guided by the principle of resident autonomy, the concept of “people-oriented” governance is put into practice with both Chinese and foreign residents taking the leading role in public and cultural disciplines. Guided by the idea of diverse participation, social relations play a fundamental part in the formation of subjectivities in “multiple collaborative” governance,through the process of multiple coordination and complementary advantages. The community system is the safeguard of the implementation of flexible governance strategy. Through flexible governance and multiple considerations led by government departments, the social system drives the implementation of flexible governance strategies.

Key words: flexible governance, social and cultural space, social relations, public spaces, community system

CLC Number: 

  • C916
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