社会工作与管理 ›› 2021, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (4): 63-70,79.

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  1. 东莞理工学院法律与社会工作学院,广东 东莞,523808
  • 收稿日期:2020-06-21 出版日期:2021-07-15 发布日期:2021-07-05
  • 作者简介:于铁山(1986-),男,汉族,特聘副研究员,博士;主要研究方向:社区治理。
  • 基金资助:

Pendulum Development: The Number of Community Full-Time Social Workers and Its Influencing Factors: An Empirical Study Based on CLDS2014 and CLDS2016 Data

YU Tieshan   

  1. School of law and social work, Dongguan University of technology, Dongguan, Guangdong, 523808, China
  • Received:2020-06-21 Online:2021-07-15 Published:2021-07-05

摘要: 从社区专职社会工作者人数规模出发,提出社工钟摆式发展观点,并基于2014年和2016年两期中国劳动力动态调查(简称CLDS)数据考察社区专职社会工作者人数现状及其影响因素。研究发现,近年来社区专职社会工作者人数无论是总量还是每万人拥有社会工作者人数均有所下降,凸显社区社会工作者人数的钟摆式发展效应。进一步采用泊松分布统计分析可知:一是社会工作者发展地区不均衡性有所缓解;二是社区残疾人等特殊群体数量对于社区专职社会工作者人数具有显著正效应,社区经济结构也会影响社区社会工作者专职人数;三是社区主任的任职时间对于社区专职社会工作者人数具有正效应;四是社区治安恶化提高了对社区专职社会工作者人数的需求。据此,建议加大对发展落后地区的支持力度;提高现有社区专职社会工作者的服务质量;增设社会工作岗位;提高社区管理者对社区专职社会工作的认识。

关键词: 钟摆, 社区, 社会工作者, 人数, CLDS

Abstract: Based on the scale of the number of full-time social workers in the community, this paper puts forward the development view of social workers in a bell swing way, and investigates the current situation and influencing factors of the number of full-time social workers in the community based on the data of two periods of China’s labor force survey. It is found that in recent years, the number of full-time social workers in the community has decreased both in total and per 10 000 people, which highlights the pendulum development effect of the number of community social workers. Further statistical analysis of Poisson distribution shows that: first, the imbalance of social work development areas has been alleviated. In 2014, the number of community full-time social workers in the eastern region was significantly higher than that in the central and western regions, and the phenomenon did not exist in 2016. Secondly, the number of special groups such as the disabled in the community has a significant positive effect on the number of full-time social workers in the community. At the same time, the economic structure of the community will also affect the number of full-time social workers, highlighting the demand orientation and economic basis of the pendulum development of social workers. Third, the length of service of community directors has a positive effect on the number of community full-time social workers. Fourth, the deterioration of community security has raised the demand for the number of full-time social workers in the community. Based on this, this paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions on the construction of social workers’ talent team.

Key words: Pendulum, community, social workers, number, CLDS


  • C916
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