SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT ›› 2017, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (3): 91-96.

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Research on the Brand Construction of Party Building among College Students: Establishing Party Building Brand of Outstanding Traditional Lingnan Culture

XU Chaoke   

  1. Periodical Center, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510090, China
  • Received:2016-09-30 Revised:2016-09-30 Online:2017-05-15 Published:2017-05-15


Party building among college students is facing the challenge of the increasing infiltration of ideology and culture from the West, and the challenge of reform and opening up, especially the reform of educational system, the rise of new media and the influx of the western thought. There are four problems in the current Party building in colleges and universities: First, emphasizing on the development of student Party members makes it difficult to accurately know the motivation of people who join the party. Second, education and management of the student Party members are in poor implementation and lack of long-term mechanism. Third, the number of Party workers is few and their professional qualities need to be improved; Fourth, the regular activity of student Party organizations is ineffective and the fighting fortress role of grass-roots party organizations is not obvious. It is very important to promote the development of Party building among college students under the guidance of Marxist view of culture and to establish Party building brand of traditional Chinese culture. In Guangdong, for example, the specific countermeasures to establish Party building brand of outstanding traditional Lingnan culture are listed below: First, shape a valuable brand to guide student Party members to have correct motivations. Second, strengthen theoretical research and improve long-term educational mechanism of Party building brand of outstanding traditional Lingnan culture. Third, develop a brand of educating people with culture and improve the overall quality of Party workers. Fourth, innovate regular activities of the Party organizations and promote the brand project of Lingnan outstanding traditional culture.

Key words: Party building, Marxist view of culture, outstanding traditional Lingnan culture, brand

CLC Number: 

  • A81
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