SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT ›› 2017, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (5): 30-35.

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Research on Social Work and Disaster Relief: Status Quo, Problem and Suggestions

ZHAO Chuanfang1,2   

  1. 1. Beijing College of Social Administration;
    2. Ministry of Civil Affairs Social Work Research Center, Beijing, 101601, China
  • Received:2017-01-07 Online:2017-09-15 Published:2017-09-19

Abstract: Disasters have destructive effects on people's survival and the development of the society. How to better prevent disaster and intervene in disaster rescue in a more timely way, and how to be more actively involved in post-disaster construction are the key issues in disaster rescue. Based on the status quo of social work intervention in disaster rescue, existing problems of the current social work in disaster rescue are analyzed. Suggestions are given from the aspects of prevention, long-term operation, precision of rescue, specifications of roles, service methods for social work intervention in disaster rescue, surrounding the questions of the key areas, functions and ways of effective function in disaster social work, to improve the effectiveness and value of social work intervention in disaster relief.

Key words: social work, disaster, rescue

CLC Number: 

  • C916
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