SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT ›› 2018, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (5): 67-77.

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Analysis of Children Protection Policy and Construction of Family-centered Children Protection System

ZHAO Fang1, XU Yanfeng2, CHEN Honglin1   

  1. 1. Social Work Department, Fudan university, Shanghai, 200433, China;
    2. School of Social Work, Maryland University, Biltmore, 21201, America
  • Received:2018-01-01 Online:2018-09-15 Published:2018-09-27

Abstract: Children protection in China, deeply influenced by Confucian culture, lays special emphasis on the responsibility of family protection. After the establishment of the People's Republic of China, children protection policy was deeply influenced by the social and political system. The compensatory children welfare policy system was set up, giving very limited support for the family. After the reform and opening up, the children welfare policy has been gradually developed from the compensatory system to the moderate universal benefit system. Particularly in the recent few years, the legal implementation of compulsory reporting policy, the alternative care system, the judicial practice of guardianship transfer system, and the active participation of nongovernmental organizations have jointly contributed to the rapid development of China's children protection policy and practice. However, the children protection in China is still facing a series of challenges:There is no authoritative system of children Protection Law (or children Welfare law); there is still a lack of state-mandated authoritative leading sector. With the influence of traditional Chinese culture, public power has difficulties in intervening in the family's private domain in the implementation process. The mandatory reporting and alternative care system has no specific implementation guides and there are no follow-up procedures with the two policies. Also, the poor coordination and integration of the governmental and nongovernmental sectors restricts the further development of children protection policy. Therefore, it is important to establish a family-centered children protection policy in China. To achieve this goal, it is pivotal to promote the structural and applicable children protection policy.

Key words: Child protection, policy analysis, system construction

CLC Number: 

  • C913
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