社会工作与管理 ›› 2019, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (4): 21-28.

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  1. 南开大学周恩来政府管理学院,天津,300350
  • 收稿日期:2019-03-02 出版日期:2019-07-15 发布日期:2019-06-27
  • 作者简介:柳静虹(1989-),女,汉族,讲师,博士;主要研究方向:比较社会保障,儿童福利,在职贫困研究。
  • 基金资助:

Diversified Development Trends of Children Welfare in Western Europe and its Enlightenment to China

LIU Jinghong   

  1. Zhou Enlai School of Government, Nankai University, Tianjin, 300350, China
  • Received:2019-03-02 Online:2019-07-15 Published:2019-06-27

摘要: 2019年我国民政部新设儿童福利司,负责统筹设计儿童福利制度,进一步说明随着我国社会福利体系的不断完善,儿童福利已成为当代社会福利体系建设的核心之一,儿童权利的促进与保护更是社会治理的关键。基于此,探讨西欧四国(法国、德国、比利时、荷兰)儿童福利一体化的体系建设、精细化的福利津贴、政府主导的儿童服务、完整的儿童保护立法以及分级化的儿童福利标准,并透过比较视角,针对我国现阶段儿童发展性福利的供给不足及立法缺失,建议在我国现有儿童福利体系上,进一步完善基层专业人才队伍配备,强化儿童福利立法,鼓励发展民间社工机构。

关键词: 福利社会, 儿童福利, 西欧国家, 政策启示

Abstract: In 2019, Chinese Ministry of Civil Affairs set up a new department of children welfare, which is responsible for the overall design of the children welfare system. This will further illustrate that with the continuous improvement of China's social welfare system, children welfare has become one of the construction cores of the contemporary social welfare system, and the promotion and protection of children's rights is the key to social governance. Based on this context, the paper explores the integration system of the child welfare in four Western European countries (France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands), concerning the refined welfare benefits, government-led child services, complete child protection legislation, and the hierarchical child welfare standard. From a comparative perspective, the paper puts forward relevant policy suggestions on the shortage of supply and legislation of developmental children welfare in China at the present stage:in the existing children welfare system in China, the government could further improve professional teams at the grassroots level, strengthen children welfare legislation, and encourage the development of non-government social work agencies.

Key words: welfare society, child welfare, Western European countries, policy enlightenment


  • C916
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