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    The Historical and CulturalValue Perspectives on Social Construction
    LIU Ping
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (5): 5-11. 
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          Social construction against the background of socialist market economy is a process of handling the consequences of social stratification that has been caused by the institutionalization of modern market exchange relationship. It is an important task at the new historical stage to identify the realistic situation of social management on the basis of the social structure change rather than value judgment. Cultural value is doublefunctional in that it provides direction and motivation for the both social construction and social management system, being itself a principle of adjusting social relationships as well as a guideline for building system and choosing action. Initiating the process of legislative and judicial improvement that connects grassroot practice and toplevel policy design in a framework of multigovernance is the only way whereby social management innovation moves from experimentation to maturity.  
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    A study of the Institutional Construction of Social Work in China
    WANG Si-Bin
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (5): 12-18. 
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    Abstract: The institutional construction of Chinas social work is speeding up. It has been a governmentdominated process with participation of social work educators and practitioners as well as the action and process of designing, configuring and systemizing social work institutions to bring them into play. This study emphasizes the contribution of the government and social work educators to constructing social work institutions, points to the integrative and practical characteristics of the institutional construction, and argues that it is important to build social work manpower institutions and promote institutional construction for utilizing and motivating the professionals. The article summarizes the characteristics of social work institutional construction in China: Partygovernment domination with professional guidance, unbalanced development with local experiments, optionality of local governments, expansion through pilot programs and advocacy, nonsystemization under integrative planning, etc. The article concludes that the integrative social work institutional construction should be achieved through continuous advancement and collaborations among government sectors as well as between the government and social forces.
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    The Process of Professionalization of Western Social Work and
    its Implications for China
    GUO Wei-He, GUO Li-Qiang
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (5): 19-24. 
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    Abstract: Over one hundred years of social work development in western societies has exhibited a dialectic process of professionalization and deprofessionalization. Each period of professional movement can be considered a professional response to social problems and social challenges. The professionalization movement is to provide effective service for society with professional prestige and social sanction. But the dependence on state power and technical control over clients along with professionalization invokes critique of professional effectiveness and client empowerment. It starts the divergent development of deprofessionalization. The dialectic development process implies that Chinas social work should not pursue professional privilege and complex technique, but positively intervene into social problems and reflect strategies and methods of client empowerment.
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    On the Change of Development Mode and the Path for
    Innovating Chinas Social Work
    LIU Zheng, LIU Dong-Sheng
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (5): 25-32. 
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    Abstract: The Report to the 18th National Congress of the CPC explicitly proposes to change the development mode and accelerate the reform of social system. Promoting the change of social development pattern is both the internal motivation and the main goal of deepening the reform of social system. This article begins with the concept of development mode, defines the its connotations from four aspects, puts forth a classification of it in five perspectives, traces the historical evolution of development mode, gives a systematic summary of the three major development modes that have formed under the influence of different views about development at different stages of development since the founding of PRC, reveals the close relationship between development mode transformation and Chinas modernization, argues in depth for the necessity and inevitability of transforming the social development pattern of contemporary China, and henceforth elaborated the positive roles that social work plays in promoting social development mode shift. The article also points out that Chinas social work faces the task of reforming its own development pattern in addition to that of promoting economic and social development pattern transformation. The path and goal of Chinas social work development is to achieve scientific development that unifies outward expansion and internal improvement and ensures growth in number, scale, space expansion and meeting external demand as well as structural optimization, quality improvement, strength enhancement and expansion of domestic demand.
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    Development of Social Work in Contemporary China:
    Challenges and Measures
    CHEN Hong-Tao
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (5): 33-37. 
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    Abstract: The rapid development of social work in contemporary China is accompanied by many challenges: theoretical teaching and practical supervision are not connected; the value of social work is separated from professional skills and methods; the actual number of professionals does not meet the objective demand; professional social workers and actual social workers are not in close contact; there is conflict between regional construction and reference to regionexternal experiences; there exists uneven development across regions and professional fields; support from the society is inadequate. Measures for meeting these challenges include: strengthening supervision over internship, solving the bottleneck of policy, combining education and training, emphasizing the internalization of the values, attaching great importance to the construction of native social work, eliminating the imbalance of development, and enlisting social recognition and support.
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    Advice on Strengthening Social Workers Professionality
    in Urban Community Pension Service
    LI Xiao-Ling
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (5): 38-43. 
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    Abstract: China has been in the process of population aging and are faced with the aged citizens problems. The research results about the urban community pension services also show that there are a lot of practical problems when urban communities provide services for the aged. In particular, the role of the professional social work and the social workers in the pension services is not fully realized, which has caused the inconformity between the urban community pension service and the actual needs of the aged as well as the rigidity of the contents of the service. Against the general background of urban community pension model this study explores the importance of the work of community pension services and points out the importance and measures of strengthening the social workers professionality in community pension services in order to give the aged richer and more effective services.
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    A Study of the Regional Variations of the Expenditure for Basic Public
    Services in Guangdong Province: In the View of MainFunctional Zones
    ZHAO Li, LIU Fang-Na
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (5): 44-48. 
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    Abstract: A Theil indexbased observation of the expenditure level for basic public services on optimized development zone, key development zone and ecological development zone shows that the regional variations of fiscal expenditure for basic public services in Guangdong province tend to be narrowed in recent years and the degree of regional inequality in basic public services falls slightly, but the variations are still significant. Among these variations, the most obvious difference is the unequal fiscal expenditure for basic public services between the various mainfunctional zones, and the inequality within the same mainfunctional zone is in the second place. Therefore strengthening the construction of public financial system will help to promote the equalization for basic public services, and to propel the ultimate formation of the mainfunctional zones.
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    The Late Qing Dynasty Governments Crisis Response to Braids Revolution
    SU Quan-You, LI Yi-Bo
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (5): 49-54. 
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    Abstract: There are few studies on the late Qing Dynastys braids revolution carried out from the perspective of the government. There were many problems with the Qing government in handling the crisis, which concentrated in three areas: First, the public opinion got out of control, that is, the public opinion fustigated the policies of storing braid and forbidding braid cutting, and the Press misinformed the movement of cutting braid and simplifying clothing in 1904. Second, the legal system became invalid, namely, the command was prohibited repeatedly, the negligence of duty in the military, police, politicians, including the connivance and laissezfaire of ZAI Tao and YIN Chang, and the nonfeasance of ZAI Feng. Third, the government decrees didnt fit in with each other. For example, the ministry of army promoted the decree while the Education Department and others forbad. The Qing government failed to meets the trend of the times. It didnt turn the bottomup braid revolution into the topdown operation so it was unable to maintain the authority of the government and increase the publics recognition. The revolution shows the Qing governments errors of handling crisis and lack of political wisdom.
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    Thoughts on Good Governance of Urban Community
    WANG Yan-Li
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (5): 55-60. 
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    Abstract: According to the basic indicators about the good governance of urban communities, this paper combs through the present relationship of government organizations, social organizations and corporate organizations in the urban communities. Then it points out that the problems with community governance result from such factors as power loss of subject legitimacy basis of community governance; segmentation of public community resources caused by the offside, absence, dislocation at the bureaucratic level; loss of social trust resulting in the uncertainty of the related benefit communities; reinforcement of community social control power and lack of social participation. Finally, it holds that good governance in urban communities is based on the building of the dynamic mechanism of multiplepower collaborative community governance driven by related interests.
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    Is Information Risk Reduced after Share Reforming?
    XU Hui
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (5): 61-68. 
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    Abstract: Using abnormal accruals volatility as a substitute variable for information risk, after considering the nature of controlling shareholders, the environment of governance and the implementation of new accounting standards as well as other factors, this paper finds the accounting information risk of companies that have completed share reforming decreases, but this effect exists only in the nonstate listed companies; the marginal effect of equity division reform risk in areas with a poor environment of governance is higher; but it is found that when the information risk is divided into natural and discretionary information risks the sharetrading reform has influence only on discretionary information risk, in other words, improving corporate governance structure can reduce the accounting information risk in time.
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    Exploring Development Opportunities for
    the Mainland in the Rise of “China Service”
    LI Xiang-Rong
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (5): 69-72. 
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    Abstract: With the rapid growth of service trade in the world, “China Service” has begun to rise as well. At the peak moment of “Made in China” entering into trade friction, it is inevitable for “China Service” in the rise to be a part of Chinas foreign trade development. The development opportunities for the mainland in the rise of “China service” mainly lie in “crossborder” and “consumption abroad” transactions. Studying countermeasures of speeding up the development of “China Service” is of great significance to narrow the gap between the inland and coastal development.
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    A Cardiff Modelbased Process Analysis of News Report on Disasters
    LIN Yao-Qun
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (5): 73-78. 
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    As a component of Systemic Functional Linguistics, the Cardiff Model differs from the Sydney Model in the way it describes the transitivity system. This paper aims to reveal how Participant Roles are identified and how a Process is realized through the Cardiff Model, which lays an emphasis on function and meaning. The examples for analysis, which are selected from news reports on recent disasters, also serve as an explicit demonstration of how Participant Roles can get affected while involved in certain disastrous Processes, and how disastrous scenes can be recreated through news reports.
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    A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Euphemisms
    in the Perspective of Adaptation Theory
    YAO Ji-Gang
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (5): 79-85. 
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    Abstract: Euphemism is a common linguistic and cultural phenomenon in English and Chinese. Adaptation is both a feature and a function of language by which language users can flexibly choose expressions from different language items to meet the communicative needs. Some English and Chinese euphemisms share great similarities because they adapt the same physical world, social world and psychological world. While other English and Chinese euphemisms differ greatly from each other because they adapt different physical worlds, social worlds and language structures. Learning similarities and differences between English and Chinese euphemisms can help people correctly understand and properly use euphemism in crosscultural context, thus avoiding pragmatic failures and promoting crosscultural communications.
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