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    Exploration and Practice of the Communitybased Drug Treatment Social Work
    ZHAO Fang
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2015, 15 (5): 5-13. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (1456KB) ( 2637 )
     Communitybased drug treatment social work is a new model of community rehabilitation treatment. It emphasizes that government pirchases service from professional institutions, and forms a work mode that seamlessly connects the compuslory abandonment of drug habits in compusolry detoxification institutes and communitybased drug treatment, evaluates accordingly and intervenes comprehensively, on the basis of the integration of physical, psychological, social and individual, family, community systems. It pays specal attention to family intervention and coomunity rehabilitation, case management, peer tutoring, selfhelp group and commnity care in practice and promotes the development of Communitybased drug treatment social work.
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    A Comparative Study of Value System between Social Work Undergraduates and Practitioners
    LUAN Wen-Jing, HUO Chun-Ming
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2015, 15 (5): 14-20. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (1064KB) ( 2340 )
     Do social work students and practitioners have consistent professional values? According to the data analysis, in terms of occupational values, both put a high value on selfdevelopment, altruism and relationship with coworkers; both put a low value on power and high earnings. The difference is that the students put a high value on creativity but the practitioners put a high value on the relationship with leaders. In terms of value conflicts with clients, the practitioners show more intendancies. Based on the findings, measure such as the necessity of social work school education, the ideal realist′s education and training, consonance between cognition and behavior of professional values, and the necessity of professional value localization are suggested.
    Key words:  social work students| practitioners| value system
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    The Social Worker′s Client Violence Risk Perception Research
    BAO Jun-Lin-1, CHEN Yan-2
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2015, 15 (5): 21-26. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (783KB) ( 2287 )
     According to the theories of risk perception, social workers have been chosen as objects to see their current sufferings of client violence and perceptions of violence risk. The data was obtained by means of a questionnaire, and 169 valid samples were collected from social workers engaged in areas such as the protection, welfare services and medical and nursing. The study found the perception of physical risks was higher than that of psychological and financial risk; those who have not yet obtained the agency qualification certificate, engaged in the protection service, whose agencies were of low seniority, and whose work experience are little have higher consciousness of related risks.
    Key words:  social workers|client violence|risk perception
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    Pathway Innovation of Local Medical Social Work Practice from the Perspective of General System Theory
    ——A Case Study of Medical Project in N District
    SU Hai-1, SHI Na-Na-2
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2015, 15 (5): 27-32. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (1295KB) ( 2372 )
    General system theory focuses on the relationship between the system and external environment, laying emphasis on the analysis of mechanism to reduce system environment complexity. The main acting subjects of N district medical system establish a common systematic goal in a heterogeneous environment through clearing the input & output channels, to construct a system of rules with communication and trust mechanism as the main body, so that each actor can play the greatest function. Medical social workers will uphold the idea of people in the environment, paying attention to relationship of “personal troubles” and “public distress”, unite social support system of both doctors and patients through social activities to gather all social resources available, and bridge the doctorpatient relationship, reduce the complexity of medical system, maintain the benign circulation of the whole medical system. The multicooperation linkage development model provides a way for the localization of Chinese medical social work.
    Key words:  general system theory|complexity| Mmdical social work
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    The Exploration into Practical Mechanism of College Social Work
    ——A Case Study Based on Dongguan University of Technology
    CHENG Hong-Bo-1, 2
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2015, 15 (5): 33-38. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (1016KB) ( 2393 )
     When colleges introduce the concepts, methods and teams of social work, and construct the peopleoriented professional service system, it will contribute to advancing the promotion from management to governance in students′ work. The focus of localization practice lies in college′s initiative “importation” in combination with social work′s active “insertion”, and promotes the “mutual construction” mechanism between related subjects and social workers in colleges. Then it will achieve the “empowerment” goals from several aspects such as the development of colleges, the growth of students, and promoting the ability both teachers and social workers. Thereby, based on the practical exploration from Dongguan University of Technology, this paper analyzes the practical mechanism of college social work.
    Key words:  college social work|localization of social work| practice mechanism|importation| mutual construction|empowerment
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    Finding Strengths and Family Support: The Mentally Retarded Children Social Work Practice Based on Strengths Perspective
    LIN Li-Fen
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2015, 15 (5): 39-43. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (905KB) ( 2392 )
      In recent years, it is advocated that the home service for mentally retarded children shift from individualbased support to familybased support, attaching more attention to the building of family support system. From the qualitative analysis of cases that social workers adopt strengths perspective to carry out family support, it has been found that there are multiaspects of strengths in both mentally retarded children and their families. The strengths are the breakthrough points for the home service of social work and the key to the building of family support system. Social work needs to integrate service and resources to build a comprehensive support network for them. The application of strengths perspective has to take into account Chinese systems and cultural background.
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    Strength & Weakness Analysis of Elder Adults′ Social Participation in Zhongshan City: From the Perspective of “Active Ageing”
    LIN Wen-Yi-1, SHEN Qun-Xi-2
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2015, 15 (5): 44-48. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (947KB) ( 2742 )
     The majority of senior citizens in Zhongshan City are not too old and they are physically healthy. They could get support from their family members if they continue to engage in social and economic activities after retirement. Moreover, government agencies guarantee elder′s social participation. However, the goal of active ageing has so far been constrained by several barriers such as the low educational level of old people, the weak public awareness of active ageing, the poor reemployment environment and the underdevelopment of senior education.
    Key words:  Ageing|Active Ageing|Zhongshan City
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    Exploration and Reflection on Government Purchasing Community Service
    ——A Study of D Community in Jinan
    CHENG Yan-Bin-1, MENG Fan-Ping-1, ZHAO Jia-Bin-2
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2015, 15 (5): 49-53. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (863KB) ( 2322 )
     Government purchasing community service is an expansion of government purchasing social work service in community, a manifestation of fine community service under the background of social management innovation and a new way of community service supply for specialized community service and diversification needs of the residents. The thesis studied D Community in Jinan in order to introduce the meaning and origin of government purchasing community service, the exploration of government purchasing social work in community and reflection on the practice, aiming to provide reference for government purchasing social work.
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    Future Trends of Social Work Legislation in China
    QU Zhen-Hui
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2015, 15 (5): 54-58. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (793KB) ( 2200 )
     The development of social work is the inevitable requirement of building a harmonious society, and conforming to the needs of running the country according to laws, social work will also be governed by law. China must enact social work laws which fit national conditions in the future. Our social work legislation should serve the development of social work. The basic laws of social work at national level should be developed as soon as possible, and the detailed paths of legislation should involve both the relevant experts and the public.
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    A Comparative Study between Rural Leftbehind Children and Ordinary Children in Guangdong
    ——Based on the Analysis of Frustration Coping and Independent Living Skills
    HUANG Wei-1, Zhang-Mao-Yuan-2
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2015, 15 (5): 59-65. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (1166KB) ( 2357 )
    Based on the survey data of five cities in Guangdong, the article analyses the differences in abilities of dealing with frustration and independent living between rural leftbehind children and ordinary children. It shows that, when facing setbacks, the rural leftbehind children feel more isolated and helpless because the parents are absent. So they will have more difficulties in dealing with frustration. Besides, leftbehind children′s level of the enthusiasm, selfconfidence and emotional adjustment of dealing with frustration are weaker than the ones of ordinary children. However, most of these differences will gradually disappear with rise of age and education. And it also shows that, between these two groups, there is no significant difference in independent living abilities in the various indicators.
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    Singlemothers and Reform of AFDC in USA
    ——the Perspective of Gender
    HU Jie-Rong
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2015, 15 (5): 66-73. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (1167KB) ( 2425 )
    The relationship between women and social welfare is an important issue in social policy research. According to assumptions, rules and practices, AFDC is a gendered social policy program. From the existing division of gender, it emphasized the practical gender needs and strengthened their roles of mother and children career. During 19621996, poor singlemothers became the main recipient of AFDC benefit and were stigmatized as welfare queen. Even workfare, including work requirement and work incentive, was emphasized to end the welfare dependency by AFDC and TANF. But these social policies caused some of them to become the working poor, and face the dual burdens of employment and children care. Only when the structural division of labor market is changed and public service system for children is built from strategic gender needs, could the social and economic status of single mothers be improved.
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    Pathways for Cultivating University Students′ Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Based on the “Preincubator”
    LUO Jia-Wen-1, SU Yi-Fan-2
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2015, 15 (5): 74-78. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (1009KB) ( 2259 )
     As the key link of enterprise incubator and university, university preincubators undertake the task of training innovative talents partly, while servicing the teams of innovation and entrepreneurship at the same time.  Based on the analysis of the connotation, characteristic and function of the preincubator, this paper analyzed the status and development of the domestic and foreign preincubators, put forward construction idea of the preincubator and main pathways to enhance the college students′ entrepreneurship.
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    Positive and Negative Media Image Effects on Body Images and Countermeasures
    ——Based on Social Comparison Perspective
    JIANG Min-Min-1, YANG Ying-Xin-2
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2015, 15 (5): 79-86. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (1042KB) ( 2591 )
     Exposure to internet media images is thought to play a significant role in the development of body image dissatisfaction (BID) amongst females. Selective accessibility model can explain positive and negative media image effects on the body images in social comparison processes. Many factors, such as degree of internalization of thin ideal, body mass index and personality traits, moderated the effects of exposure to idealized images on body dissatisfaction among women. Conducting media literacy education, developing selfimprovement motivation and building confidence could prevent mediainduced body image disturbance.
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