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    Research on the Professional Advantages of Medical Social Work in the Construction of Inclusive Hospice Care System from the Whole Person Care
    CHENG Yu, CUI Changjie
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2024, 24 (3): 1-11. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (881KB) ( 326 )
    As an important care service to maintain the dignity of the end of life, hospice care needs to be promoted in the development of an inclusive welfare system. However, the construction of the inclusive hospice care system is a systematic project, which will involve hospitals, communities, families and the multi-agency and main bodies in these institutions. Although professional medical staff play a core role in the practical implementation of the system, their limited service supply capacity has prevented hospice care from reaching the wider community and meeting the requirements of fairness, norms and accessibility. Medical social workers, on the other hand, can facilitate the construction of an inclusive hospice care system from the perspective of holistic care at the levles of system settings and system content. Specifically, at the system setting level, medical social work can promote information sharing and exchange, resource integration and coordination, and the formulation and improvement of regulations. At the system content level, medical social work can provide holistic personalized, and continuous services at the three levels of physical, psychological and social. However, there are also several obstacles in the intervention process of medical social work. Only by working together, can the government, market and society overcome these obstacles and build an inclusive hospice care system that brings “peace to individuals in events of life and deat”.
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    A Preliminary Test of the Content Validity of Social Worker’s Professional Level Examination
    ZENG Shouchui, XU Xinyi, ZHANG Huanhuan
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2024, 24 (3): 12-21,68. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (1001KB) ( 265 )
    Social Worker’s Professional Level Examination (SWPLE) has been administered for 14 years since 2008, with a cumulative total of approximately 200,000 people having earned the relevatn certificates. To examine the content validity of this authoritative test, this study draws on Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives and Anderson and colleagues’ revisions as the frame. Adopting quantitative content analysis, this study analyzes the knowledge categories and cognition processes of the items of the three courses of SWPLE during 2008-2021, including the Intermediate Level Social Work Comprehensive Competence Test (ILSWCCT), the Intermediate Level Social Work Practice Competence Test (ILSWPCT), and the Social Work Law and Policy (SWLP). The results reveal that the SWPLE test mainly examines declarative knowledge (i.e., theorical knowledge) rather than procedural knowledge (i.e., practice knowledge); SWPLE mainly tests the cognitive processes at a lower level such as memorization, and ignores to examine more advanced cognitive processes (such as analysis, evaluation and application). These findings indicate that SWPLE does not examine what it claims to examine and is not a valid test. These findings have significant implications for the promotion of validity of SWPLE.
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    The Expansion and Limitation of Unrecognized Cultural Currency to Social Work Advantage Perspective
    SUN Xuyou, REN Xiaodi
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2024, 24 (3): 22-28. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (651KB) ( 190 )
    The social work advantage perspective focuses on the discovery of advantageous resources for individuals in need, with the aim of achieving the “Double goal” of life improvement and social justice. However, the current trend of the mainstream social work practice has been criticized for neglecting the power issues inherent in the advantage perspective. These include the internal differentiation of disadvantaged clients, disparities in resource possession, and the superiority of fighting resources. Miriam LO’s concept of “Unrecognized cultural currency (UCC)” provides theoretical resources for the “perspective of resistance reconstruction”, which highlights the survival strategies and even resistance of the disadvantaged as an advantage, this approach expands the resource category of “what is an advantage”. Paying attention to the internal differentiation of disadvantaged groups and the difference in resource possession, it reconstructs the subject ownership of “ advantage”. Legalizing material demands, it further balances the functional orientation of “what advantages for”. This expansion of “unrecognized cultural currency” to advantage perspective provides a way for social work to cultivate the advantage of resistance among vulnerable groups. However, it also requires reflection on theoretical and practical limitations of group diffusion, local adaptation, and application expansion.
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    Research on Social Workers’ Turnover Intention from the Perspective of Emotional Labor: An Analysis Based on CSWLS 2019
    GAO Haihong, LIN Yili
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2024, 24 (3): 29-39. 
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    Based on Robbins’ stress model and the theory of emotional labor, this study explores the mediating mechanisms of emotional labor between work stress and turnover intention among social workers. Emotional labor is divided into two aspects: work satisfaction and occupational burnout, and analyzed through structural equation modeling. The results of analyzing survey data on the China Social Work Longitudinal Survey indicate that work satisfaction and occupational burnout mediate the relationship between job stress and turnover intention. Work satisfaction negatively influences the relationship between work stress and turnover intention, implying that higher work satisfaction is associated with lower occupational burnout and turnover intention. Conversely, occupational burnout positively influences the relationship, suggesting that higher burnout increases turnover intention. Additionally, professional qualifications play a moderating role in this context.
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    Research on the Recognition Process of Non-Governmental Social Work Organizations in Border Ethnic Areas: A Case Analysis of S Organization in Baoshan City
    Ma Dongdong, Sun Yajuan
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2024, 24 (3): 40-49. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (826KB) ( 210 )
    Guided by Honneth’s recognition theory, this paper adopts the method of typical case study to explore the recognition process of the S organization in Baoshan City, a border ethnic region. Combining multiple recognition subjects, dual recognition dimensions and life cycle process, the way the S organization obtains recognition is constructed as a life cycle model of the recognition process. In the initial stage, the growth stage, and the stable stage, self-recognition, government recognition, and social recognition show different characteristics, which promote the development of S organization, but also encounter a certain degree of contempt and challenge. Social work organizations in border ethnic areas need to recognize the spiral process of recognition and strive for breakthroughs in realistic situations.
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    Research on Construction of the Community Rehabilitation Integrated Services for Severe Mental Disorders
    XU Jiaxiang, TONG Min
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2024, 24 (3): 50-60. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (785KB) ( 281 )
    During the phase of deepening grassroots social governance, mental health community rehabilitation services have emphasized on the integration of risk management and daily life recovery, the expansion of service socialization, and the strengthening of the systemic continuity of service connections. However, there are still numerous obstacles that make integration difficult within the interdepartmental, multidisciplinary community rehabilitation services. This study aims to explore the integration methodsbased on a participatory action research in Shenzhen Nanshan District Community Mental Health Project. The study suggests that the integration of services can be achieved by cultivating professional social workers of mental health prevention and treatment as case managers. These social workers can provide humanistic care through daily visits, establish cooperative relationships with patients and families, and improve the coordination of service mechanisms. This approach to integrated services is based on the logic of clinical-institutional integration, differing from the traditional clinically oriented biopsychosocial model by placing a stronger emphasis on the “social” dimension of integration. This approach meets the dual requirements of grassroots social governance for a person-centered approach and public safety. Moreover, because it is rooted in the community’s daily life scene, it contributes to advancing the refinement of mental health community services and the development of a secure community public space.
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    Community Care Services for the Disabled and Dementia Elderly People in China: Problems and Improvement Paths
    GAO Ju, SHI Meng
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2024, 24 (3): 61-68. 
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    Community care is a widely accepted approach for elderly care across the world combines the benefits of both family care and institutional care. However, in China, community care is relatively new, and it lacks sufficient social policy support, which results in low service standards. Further to that, the current institutional guarantee, service standards, and the allocation of elderly care resources are not adequate to meet the increasing demand of the growing population of disabled elderly. To address this issue, this study suggests that an institutional guarantee should be provided for fair accessibility, coordination between multiple service providers, differentiation according to specific needs, efficient allocation of service resources, innovation in community service models, application of cutting-edge technology and sustainability in human resources.
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    Mechanisms of Low-Income Population Return to Expenditure Poverty and Its Governance in the Process of Achieving Common Prosperity
    TIAN Peng, ZHAO Xiaochao
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2024, 24 (3): 69-79. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (733KB) ( 209 )
    The study examines the issue of re-impoverishment of low-income groups in China. Prevention of re-impoverishment among low-income groups is essential for national strategies of common prosperity and rural revitalization. This study employs Ecological Systems Theory to analyze the underlying mechanisms that causes expenditure poverty across five dimensions: individual, family, culture, institution, and history. The article proposes a developmental social policy approach to govern this form of re-impoverishment which challenges traditional aid models. We argus that expenditure poverty is a multifaceted issue shaped by factors such as bi-directional family dynamics, reproduction of cultural networks, institutional exclusion, and historical factors. The study concludes that innovative governance pathways should involve coordinated efforts across different dimensions underpinned by developmental social policy.
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    The Problem of Goals Displacement in Social Organization Program Operation and Its Governance
    NIE Yumei, GU Donghui
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2024, 24 (3): 80-89. 
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    Our analysis of the project operation process of social organizations suggests that social organizations are too tired to complete the quantitative indicators of the project, while ignoring the project effectiveness in terms of demand satisfaction and value enhancement. Clients’ demands are often replaced by the assessment index and the management’s requirements. , In the process of project operation, it is commonly observed that contents of the project are replaced by forms. In such projects, there is a tendency to emphasize documentation over service, focus on service activities and entertainment, have selective and fragmented clients, and encourage repeated participation of the clients. Without sufficient need assessment and with overemphasis on quantitative indicators in goal settings, plus the absence of two-way communication mechanisms in implementation and the heavy reliance on documentation and financial evaluation in external supervisions, social organizations have catered to evaluation and weakened service effectiveness. Due to the lack of resources and skilled personnel, social organizations find it challenging to carry out professional development, which results in various goals displacement phenomena. In order to address the problem of goals displacement in project operation, it is necessary to conduct a scientific pre-evaluation before signing the contract, reduce the strict quantitative indicators in the contract, strengthen the construction of two-way communication mechanism, emphasize the evaluation of service effectiveness, and encourage the joint efforts of social organizations to build professional services.
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    Does Women’s Sense of Social Justice Affect Their Public Participation: An Empirical Research Based on the Comprehensive Survey of Chinese Social Conditions (CSS2021)
    Chen Yiping, LIU Yong
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2024, 24 (3): 90-98. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (690KB) ( 274 )
    This paper studies women’s public participation from the perspective of social justice. Based on the data of the Comprehensive Survey of Chinese Social Conditions (CSS2021), the negative binomial regression model is adopted to analyze the impact of perceived social justice on women’s public participation. The study reveals that the degree of public participation of Chinese women is generally low, while their sense of social justice is at a medium level. Furthermore, the study has discovered that perceived social justice has a significant positive impact on women’s public participation. The result remains valid after controlling for the demographic characteristics variables and conducting a robustness test, the conclusion remains valid, which suggests that the higher the perceived social justice of women, the higher their public participation. In addition, demographic characteristics such as political status and education level also significantly affect female public participation. Party membership and higher levels of education are also positively related to female public participation. Social work forces have unique advantages in creating an atmosphere of social equity, which will help women’s public participation.
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