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    On Constructing Professional Talents System of Social Work with Chinese Characteristics——Interpretation of Guidelines on Strengthening Construction of Professional Talents of Social Work
    LIU Zheng
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (2): 5-12. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (1321KB) ( 3180 )
    It is a must to develop social cause and cultivate a number of highquality professional social work talents for the purpose of strengthening and innovating social management so as to push ahead social construction and social management with the focus on safeguard and improvement of people’s living standard. Guidelines on Strengthening Construction of Professional Talents of Social Work issued by 18 departments including the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee is the first state document on constructing professional social work system and pushing ahead construction of professional social work talents. Interpretation of the guidelines makes it better to understand and implement the spirit of the document and to construct professional talent system of social work with Chinese characteristics.
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    Exploration into City Residents’ Community Work  Service Demand and its Mode——With Guangzhou as an Example
    XIE Jianshe
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (2): 13-18. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (1065KB) ( 2796 )
    With the rapid development of economy and society, the governmental payment for social work services focusing on the livelihood of the people has also aroused widespread concern of the local government. Since the community residents’ demands for service are different, community social work services must be timely, targeted, orderly and effective, and satisfy the needs of each resident. By taking Guangzhou as an example, we try to explore a new urban community work pattern consistent with the social and economic development, that is, a work pattern based on the street comprehensive service center, depending on organizations for community service, spreading throughout households, and reflecting the local characteristics.
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    Status Quo of the New Generation of Migrant Workers and Exploration into the Corporate Social Work——Empirical Investigation Based on the Situations in Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Dongguan
    LI Xiaofeng1, LI Yiqiong2
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (2): 19-26. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (508KB) ( 2890 )
    Based on the empirical survey data from Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Dongguan, this paper investigates and analyses the basic situation, feature, needs and social support of the new generation of migrant workers using the combined quantitative and qualitative methods. Furthermore, on the basis of these findings, further studies in corporate social work are made concerning integrated service model, intervention route, practical method and “onestep” service.
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    A Study of the Chinese Elder’s Quality of Life  from the View of Harmonious Society
    YAN An
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (2): 27-32. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (484KB) ( 3734 )
    he important goal of the 21st century is to construct a harmonious society. The construction of a harmonious society has an inherent and essential relation with emphasizing and improving the Chinese elder’s quality of life in that the latter is the unshirkable responsibility of the state, government, society and family. The active role that the perfection of oldage security system and improvement of the elder’s quality of life plays in the construction and stable development of social harmony cannot be underestimated.
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    The Application of Humanistic Consultation Method in Campus Accidental Consulting Case ——From a College Student’s Case
    FENG Boya
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (2): 33-38. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (514KB) ( 2798 )
    By taking a college student’s case as an example, this paper discusses the application of humanistic consultation method in the accidental consultation case. It believes that the humanistic consultation method helps to build trust and supportive relationship between the consultant and the accidental client. By means of the direct counseling skills of psychosocial therapeutic model, the consultant can guide the client to clarify his own feelings within a short time and explore his real situation so as to help the client reflect his true needs more effectively.
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    Corporate Social Responsibility Information Disclosure of Typical Corporations in the Pearl River Delta and Their  Social Responsibility Preferences
    TANG Genghua, LONG Ruhui, HUANG Cuishan
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (2): 39-44. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (436KB) ( 2581 )
    By means of content analysis, the paper studies the corporate social responsibility information disclosure of typical corporations in the Pearl River Delta and their social responsibility preferences. The results are as follows: typical corporations in the Pearl River Delta lack the strong sense of disclosing social responsibility information via the internet and the disclosed information is relatively simple; typical corporations in this area generally pay more attention to environment protection, employee rights and benefits, and community participation, esp. responsibility for employee rights and benefits; corporations are forced to take social responsibility mainly by exterior pressures like public administrations, nongovernment organizations and employees.
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    VARModel Based Research on the Relationship between Commercial  Housing Vacancy Rate and CPI in China
    ZHOU Jinge, YANG Guoqing
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (2): 45-49. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (259KB) ( 2623 )
    This paper analyzes not only the relationship between CPI and commercial housing vacancy rate (CHVR) in China according to the statistics of 19952010, but also the granger causality between current CHVR and CPI. Through the impulse response analysis, it analyzes the impulse response features between CHVR and CPI. The result of the granger causality test shows that CPI has a significant and reliable oneway impact on CHVR in China. The result of the impulse response analysis shows that CPI has a far greater influence on CHVR than vice versa. These research results show that the influence of CPI on CHVR is oneway, namely, the increase of CPI will result in the rise of CHVR.
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    The Theorem of Exhausted Distribution and Income Gap among  Urban Residents in Guangdong
    JIA Gongxiang, XIE Xiangsheng
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (2): 50-53. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (395KB) ( 2721 )
    In order to further explore the income distribution among urban residents in Guangdong Province, this article researches the issue from a new angle by adopting the Theorem of exhausted distribution and combining it with the spread CobbDouglas production function. The results show that once social wealth is allocated by marginal product of elements involved in the social production, unequal elements of production owned by urban residents will contribute to income inequality; under the spontaneous distribution of the market, the income gap among urban residents in Guangdong Province will be wider.
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    Harmony: A Chinesestyle Interpretation of WTO Law
    WEN Qiang
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (2): 54-59. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (537KB) ( 2584 )
    Longing for harmony and a harmonious world is not unique to China but universal to mankind. In the context of WTO, the idea of harmony can be interpreted as: the concept of equality inherent in the “nondiscrimination principle”, harmonious balance principles of lawvalue conflicts, and a special and differential treatment of the developing countries, esp. the least developed members. Doha Ministerial Declaration manifests the deeper development of the concept of harmony of WTO, and makes clear that as the most important and effective current international economic rules, WTO system makes a point of the final pursuit of the free, equal, orderly and harmonious development of world economy.
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    A Research on the Coordination of Damage Compensation System  in the Newround Revision of Chinese Intellectual Property Law
    LI Yunzhi
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (2): 60-64. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (384KB) ( 2616 )
    Specific rules of damage compensation of intellectual property (IP) in the domain of Chinese IP Laws are so inconsistent that mistakes may occur when people interpret and apply the damage compensation rules of IP. From the view of unifying IP systems in China, this essay holds it necessary to coordinate and integrate the damage compensation rules of IP, and particularly to reconsider and amend the way of calculating IP damages, selecting and clarifying the standard of statutory reparation, as well as adopting the uniform language of IP law.
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    On the Modernity of the Philosophical Connotation of Public Spirit
    LIU Xinmiao
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (2): 65-70. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (501KB) ( 2873 )
    The public spirit is a kind of spiritual phenomenon that has existed since the ancient times. It involved all the domains of the human public life such as economy, politics and culture. With the formation of public area in modern society, the public spirit is becoming the theoretical resource and academic paradigm of analyzing modern civilization and modern society. This article holds that the public spirit is the spiritual link of the human community, the public utilization of the human rationality, and the ethical representation of the human consciousness. It further streamlines the indepth implication of the public spirit.
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    From National Degree to University Degree: Trends in the Transformation of Chinese Degree System
    ZHU Ping, ZHAO Qiang
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (2): 71-75. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (413KB) ( 2841 )
    The present Chinese national degree system stresses centralization rather than decentralization of power; emphasizes management over academic practice; focuses more on utilitarian interests than rational development; resorts to authoritative control with neglect of free inquiry; and relies more on intuition than postulation. Such a degree system design can neither meet the development of contemporary universities nor is consistent with the status quo of higher education after the implementation of the reform and openingup policy for 30 years. The transformation from national degree to university degree may be an ideal choice.
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    A Review of Daniel Defoe’s Thought of Insurance Mutual Benefit
    TAN Lei
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (2): 76-80. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (450KB) ( 2805 )
    This article aims to introduce Daniel Defoe’s social welfare thought typified by insurance mutual benefit. In order to prevent the poverty and defuse the risk of life, Daniel Defoe suggested establishing the programs of mutual benefit association and pension bureau among such special groups as sailors and women, as well as ordinary laborers. He elaborated the concept, principles, operating mechanism and functions of the association and the bureau. The present paper believes that Defoe’s social welfare thought has three features: the accurate forecast of the social issues, the advanced nature of the ideas and the feasibility of the plans. However, there are shortcomings in his thought. For example, the nature of his insurance is unknown, the plan lacks stability, and his thought has a strong sense of idealism. The author believes that, in view of the social characteristics on the eve of the industrial revolution, such insurance thought aiming at helping each other is worthy of affirmation for its taking the human’s wellbeing as a duty.
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