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    , Volume 14 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    A Review of the Research on the Social Function of Volunteer Service
    WANG Yaxu, ZHANG Xiaobing
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2014, 14 (4): 5-. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (1723KB) ( 2391 )
     Volunteer service has been advancing rapidly in recent years and has reaped fruitful results. An analysis of the research on the social function of volunteer service will be of significance to the improvement of the social function of volunteer service. In general, foreign researchers divide the social function of volunteer service into four types, that is, economic function, democratic and political function, individual function, and social function. Chinese researchers have a similar view and adopt a division into four types as well: economic function, political function, cultural and educational function, and social function. Foreign research emphasizes theoretical reasoning and empirical analysis, exerting a practical influence on the social and political decisions. On the other hand, the domestic study is characterized by clear category and deep analysis of the function of moral education, paying attention to the significance of combining volunteer service and social work. However, there are some disadvantages such as the dispersion of research topics, weak basis of theory, insufficient study of the political function, lack of an evaluation system, and failure to put forward a development path for volunteer service. Thus the focus of future study should be on remedying these defects.
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    A Social Governance Perspective on the Practice and Innovation of
    Community Volunteer Service: Reinterpretation of Xiacheng District
    ModeJIN Bihua,ZHU Linfei,GONG Yuci
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2014, 14 (4): 15-. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (1145KB) ( 2415 )
    t: Community volunteer service is not only an important force in building a harmonious society but also a significant way in realizing the innovation of social governance and promoting social construction. With community volunteer service as a platform, Xiacheng District of Hangzhou, in innovating the system and improving the way of social governance, has gradually formed a development model that is oriented to public welfare and focuses on the peoples livelihood, emphasizing network management, diversified development, project operation and brand promotion. Undoubtedly, there still exist some problems in the process of community volunteer service. As a new path of innovating social governance, the active construction and implementation of community volunteer service plays a vital role in promoting social governance innovation and contributing to social harmony.
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    Strengthbased Family Social Work Guidance Model,
    Strategy and Theoretical Transcendence:
    YAO Jinzhong
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2014, 14 (4): 21-. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (1159KB) ( 2446 )
     With the transformation of social structure, various familyrelated issues are continuously arising. In serving the problem families, social workers face three practical predicaments: low recognition of professional identity, inadequate public resources, and difficulty in maintaining balanced development between family and individuals. The theory of strengths perspective gives new inspirations for addressing these predicaments and leads to a competencecentered mode of evaluating and intervening into family social work. The study finds that the new mode can make complete and dynamic assessment of household ability and needs by shifting focus of attention, grasping overall situation and emphasizing interaction. The mode can also promote the integration of individual and household abilities so as to enable families to cope with their own lives better by establishing superior working objective, utilizing cycle strategies and taking concrete actions. Two theoretical concepts, i.e. systematic interaction and linkage via action, are put forth, through the practical research, to modify the theory of strengths perspective.
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    Government Purchase of Service: Predicaments and Countermeasures of Private Social Service Organizations
    YANG Li
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2014, 14 (4): 28-. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (953KB) ( 2341 )
     While China is accelerating the development of government purchase of social service, private social service organizations are faced with some predicaments. On the one hand, there are problems like the uneven regional distribution of organizations, limited professional competence, irregular internal governance, and low degree of social recognition; on the other hand, government resources are not constant for private social service organizations and therefore lack professional guidance for these organizations. Hence both private social service organizations and government institutions should take measures in this regard. The private organizations need strengthen their professional capacity, improve their internal governance mechanism and enhance social recognition, and government institutions should use biased “government funding” to strengthen professional guidance and provide personnel support for private organizations.
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    Analyzing the Social Works Policy Making and Planning in China:
    Contents, Characteristics and Trends
    CHEN Feng,CHEN Tao
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2014, 14 (4): 34-. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (1233KB) ( 2287 )
    Abstract: A preliminary system of social work policies and plans has taken shape in China in recent years. An analysis of their development and contents reveals that they have targeted four fields and undergone different periods, viz. policy making and planning for social work professional education, that for social workers professional development, that for building the professional force of social workers, and that for social work service. The basic characteristics of the development of these policies and plans include: 1) policies and plans in certain fields of social work made by individual government departments are turned into the overall policies and plans of the ruling party and central government, and 2) these policies and plans focus on the building of a professional workforce. However, the future development of social work policy making and planning in China should take social work service as the pivot and stress social workers professional development.
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    Distribution of Technological Dividends and the Realization Mechanism from Technical Progress to Social Progress
    ZHANG Maoyuan1, HUANG Wei2
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2014, 14 (4): 42-. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (903KB) ( 2338 )

    Abstract: Technology is not simply an important tool to transform nature and improve efficiency, but also a significant path to contribute to economic growth and social progress. Technological determinism even takes technical progress as a decisive power to social progress, while social constructivism emphasizes the constructive influence of social and organization structure on technology. In fact, there is an interactive and mutual promoting, or even a mutual constructive, relationship between the two. Technological progress is not equal to social progress, but offers a technical and material basis for social progress. Facts show that the cosharing of technological dividends is not only the key to social progress, but to sustainable economic growth.
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    An East Asian Welfare ModeBased Comparative Study of the Elderly
    Longterm Care System in China, Japan and South Korea
    LI Dongmei, ZHAO Juanqi, ZHAO Dingdong
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2014, 14 (4): 48-. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (1485KB) ( 2271 )

    Abstract: “East Asian welfare mode” refers to a new type of welfare provision which was formed and widely exists in the East Asian region. It is distinguished from the Western welfare mode and has a unique development perspective. As an important part of social welfare, the establishment of elderly longterm care system is the result of the combined effects of the national or regional political, economic and social systems, and is subject to the constraints of multiple factors such as traditional culture, philosophy, political system, economic structure and policy arrangements. China, Japan and South Korea are different in the development of elderly longterm care system in terms of social background, historical process and initial conditions, but they have shown an obvious trend of convergence, similarity and integration in welfare spending, coverage, familism and statecentrism. On this basis, this paper puts forward recommendations on building the elderly longterm care system in China.
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    Crisis Intervention Model for Widowhood Effect on the Elderly Who Suffer Spousal Loss
    ZHOU Limin, CHEN Yanli
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2014, 14 (4): 57-. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (1661KB) ( 2344 )
    Abstract: Making use of the crisis intervention model, this paper takes the example of H family living in the community of Sanyuanli Street of Guangzhou and makes a physiological, livingstyle and psychological analysis of the crisis caused by widowhood and its effect on the elderly who suffer spousal loss. After analyzing various crisis intervention theories, the paper develops an intervention approach appropriate to the victims, and meanwhile, it disapproves of either overprotecting or neglecting those elderly who suffer spousal loss. Currently, the primary task is to help the victims go through the crisis and the final aim is to assist them to get the ability to independently cope with any crisis which would happen in the future. Practice indicates that timely intervention into the elderly who suffer spousal loss helps them overcome the crisis, and become more positive and independent so as to face and get used to the new life after the loss.
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    The Difficulty in Social Work Intervention into Community Correction and Reflection on Social Work Education
    LIU Nian
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2014, 14 (4): 67-. 
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    (Faculty of Public administration, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510006, China)Abstract: Social work and community correction are not only closely linked to each other but share a common foundation for cooperation. In many countries and regions, it is the basic qualification for probation officers to own professional education in social work. But in practicing community correction, social workers, being in an authoritative environment, suffer a lack of specific correction knowledge and a dilemma of violating traditional clientdetermined value. Considering the status quo of judiciary social work development in China, it is necessary to complement social work education with judicial social workrelated courses and emphasize fieldwork practice. Meanwhile, the value of constructive authority should be fostered in order to overcome the difficulties of social workers in intervening into community correction.
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    Building the Workforce of Social Work Professionals: the Status Quo,
    Problems and Countermeasures
    MI Yinjun,LIN Xiwen,LI Jinmin
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2014, 14 (4): 75-. 
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    Abstract: In recent years, the workforce of social work professionals in Guangdong Province has seen a constant growth, and the number of social work organizations has been increasing rapidly. Meanwhile, the domain of service has been gradually expanding, the quality of service has been improving, the system of policy has taken shape, and government purchase of social work service is under way. Nevertheless, the development of social work professionals is still confronted with such problems as the asymmetry between quantity and quality, unbalanced distribution of professionals, mismatch between specialty and employment, and great mobility of personnel. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a sound, rational and efficient coordinating mechanism as well as a stable funding mechanism, and improve the training, evaluation, employment and incentive mechanism of social work professionals so as to promote the development of social work professionals in Guangdong Province.
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    Reflections on the Cultivation of Manifold Ability of Social Work Majors
    LIU Feng
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2014, 14 (4): 81-. 
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    (Abstract: As an external expression of the internalized social work notions, the manifold ability of social work majors is the core competence in applying social work theory to practice, including cognitive ability, service ability, communicative ability and innovation ability. Among them, cognitive ability is the foundation, service ability is the core, communicative ability is the key, and innovation ability is the power. The comprehensive and coordinated development of the four kinds of ability helps to advance social work majors cognitive consciousness, service consciousness and interpersonal awareness and meet the needs of social development.
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    Analyzing Financial Investment in Scientific Research
    on the Basis of Economic Growth Theory 
    YE Shaoxia, YANG Liujing
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2014, 14 (4): 86-. 
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    Abstract: Technological innovation is the source of economic growth and public funds investment is an important aspect of the technological innovation system. Government support of scientific research, especially for basic scientific research, in universities and colleges is significant in the long term. Based on the economic growth theory, this paper analyzes the financial investment in scientific research, points out the problems of present financial investment in scientific research, and finally provides suggestions for how to set up a rational and highly efficient management system in terms of investment scale, structure, mode and management.
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    The Longtail Theory and the Application of Virtual Human to Internet Media
    LUO Jiawen, CHENG Lehua, LI Jiawen
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2014, 14 (4): 90-. 
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    Abstract: The Long Tail Theory assumes that if the storage and distribution channels are broad enough, many minor markets may match and even surpass the major market under appropriate conditions. Longtail virtual human is the new application of the Long Tail Theory at the internet age. With different responsibilities, interests and hobbies, everyone can play many minor roles besides their major social identity. As a result, the lot of their extra time and effort may play a role in the form of a virtual person, and the individual behind the long tail virtual person can make full use of his spare time and energy. The longtail virtual person displays such characteristics as centrality, mortality, brand effect, specialty and growth. Based on the above analysis, this paper recommends the application of the longtail virtual person in internet education, internet charity activity, largescale organizationinternal activity, exploitation of scarce resources, cellphone weibo and other fields.
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