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    Towards Greater Equitableness, Equality and Efficiency in Social Policy
    ——a Theoretical Analysis of Equitableness of China s Social Policy
    GUAN Xin-ping
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (3): 5-10. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (957KB) ( 2561 )
    In recent years, with the increase of government investment in people’s livelihood, the social policy system has witnessed marked improvement in the average level of welfare, project establishment and coverage. But due to the system constraint, there are still big welfare gaps between different groups and regions, which points to the inequitableness in China’s social policy. The inequitableness problem receives more and more serious social responses. Therefore, according to the 18th National Congress’s Report, one of the main tasks in China’s social policy should be increasing its equitableness. For this purpose, we should do theoretical analysis of equitableness issues in social policy, pay more attention to the ways to increase equitableness in social policy, reduce the institutional factors by more institutional reform, and make China’s social policy develop towards great equitableness, equality and efficiency.
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    Social Work Service for Rural Migrant Workers in a System Context
    ——from Static Direct Service to Dynamic Relationship Service
    TONG Min
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (3): 11-17. 
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    The development of China’s social work, pushed by the government, has become a strong measure for the innovation of government management system. The rural migrant workers, the key social group involved in China’s urbanization, have come to be an important group of clients to whom social workers extend services. Any social worker serving the rural migrant workers needs to respond to two basic questions: how to conduct social work services and attain the best results when working with rural migrant workers, and how to clarify the position and orientation for the professional development of social workers in the process of conducting social work services. However, the current traditional, static and direct service of social workers—case, group and communitybased—cannot offer a satisfactory answer within the service system. From a dynamic perspective, social work is a profession to modify and improve the rural migrant workers’ supportive relationship. The realization of this new dynamic relationship service depends upon utilization of a new technique called social work project, aiming at digging and utilizing the resources of the rural migrant workers’ supportive network and attaining the best results.
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    The Functions and Roles of Social Work for Migrant Workers
    LI Zhen, LI Tao, LIU Qian, LU Jin-yan, YANG Dai-mao
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (3): 18-27. 
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    This article is an action research based on a decade-long professional practice of first private facilitators’ social work agency in China. It sums up the roles and functions of social work in services for migrant workers as follows: the roles are (1) service providers, who are responsible for promoting the integration of migrant workers into urban and rural community life in the process of urbanization, (2) service innovators, who promote the social management service reform in China, (3) capacity builders, who promote the migrant workers’ capacities to participate in social construction,(4) resource coordinators, who promote the reconstruction of migrant workers’ social trust, (5) education advocates, who promote mutual acceptance in the harmonious development of urban and rural population, (6) resource integrators, who promote the mutual support of social groups, (7) researchers, who promote the study of the development of social work of migrant workers, and (8) organizers, who promote the development of civil society organizations; and the functions are (1) to reduce the negative impact of the differences between urban and rural areas, (2) to promote the integration of migrant workers into urban and rural life, (3) to construct urban and rural public welfare culture, and (4) to promote the harmonious development of urbanization. The unique roles and functions of social work in serving migrant workers cannot be replaced by any other profession. Furthermore, this article provides specific recommendations on giving full play to the roles and functions of social work in servicing migrant workers from two perspectives: how to prepare social work professionals who can serve migrant workers, and how to provide service effectively for migrant workers.
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    Exploring the Ways for Government Purchasing Migrant
    Workers’ Employment Training Services
    WANG Fei
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (3): 28-34. 
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    The employment guidance training and basic job skills training for rural migrant workers are quasi-public goods and it is the government’s responsibility to provide them for rural migrant workers. Against the present background of government functional transformation and service-oriented government building, the government’s purchasing the services is both reasonable and feasible. Currently, the government purchases the employment training services for rural migrant workers mainly through the traditional path and the voucher system path, both of which have defects. In order to overcome these defects, the government’s purchase in the future should become more marketbased, commercialized and diversified.
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    A Research on Labor Rights Optimization for the New Generation of
    Rural Migrant Workers from the Perspective of Decent Work
    XU Xiao-ling, MA Gui-xia
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (3): 35-40. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (1073KB) ( 2283 )
    Decent work is a demand of the peopleoriented idea and an important content of respecting and ensuring human rights. Realization of decent work is the appeal of the newgeneration rural migrant workers, an important indicator of government’s concern about people’s livelihood and even the need of constructing the harmonious society. At present, because of the unfavorable external environment, the labor rights and interests of the new generation of rural migrant workers are not yet well guaranteed and cannot reach the ideal goal of decent work. Many measures should be adopted to help the new generation of rural migrant workers realize decent work. For the migrant workers, empowerment is necessary. For the government, household registration and insurance systems’ innovation are required. For the enterprise, cultivating social responsibility and building interest coordination platform are necessary. All these measures above can contribute to the rationalization and optimization of a mechanism for guaranteeing decent work for the new generation of rural migrant workers.
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    Social Work in the Republic of China
    LIU Hui-xin
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (3): 41-46. 
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    In the Republic of China period, hospital social work took the social construction as the ethical orientation, striving to solve the social burden and distress caused by diseases. There were two important ways to achieve this ethical orientation. On the one hand, the hospital implemented charity relief for the poor patients. On the other hand, the hospital took full advantage of the support of the existing social groups at that time and the patient’s relatives to carry out social work.
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    Yushu Students’ Relocated Study Resumption
    RONG Zeng-ju
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (3): 47-52. 
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    Taking the study resumption for the students moved from Yushu Vocational High School to Qinghai High School for Nationalities as an example, this thesis gives a preliminary analysis of the intervention strategies of social work from such perspectives as background, needs evaluation, work plan, company keeping, encouragement, promotion of quality and capability and potentials development by using resources available. The thesis also puts forward a strategy pattern of comprehensive development with specialization and distinctive national culture. After the reflection of professional intervention, it discusses the multifaceted roles of social work and new ideas of combining the professional technology with traditional assistance concept of Tibetan Buddhism.
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    Family Social Work: Its Origin, Nature and Development
    ZHAO Fang
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (3): 53-57. 
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    Family social work is a choice made in the modernization of families. The essence of family social work is to improve the whole family intervention and the family function. China’s social transformation gives families important responsibility of social protection, but it does not lend much support to families. The fresh needs arising out of functional shift remain to be responded to and the development of individuals and the society is affected. To reform family policy, develop family social work and give strong support to families should be the path and direction of the development of family social work in China.
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    Social Supporting Theory: A New “Paradigm” of Social Work Research
    NI Chi-dan
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (3): 58-65. 
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    Social support is a common social phenomenon in the human world and the lack of it causes individual and social problems. Social support theory and practice have offered a new perspective and analytical framework for observing social life and understanding the essence and real features of social work. Meanwhile, based on social support theory, a more comprehensive canonical form of social work research is established.
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    On the Nature of Moral Rights
    YU Xiu-bao
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (3): 66-73. 
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    The understanding of the nature of moral rights in current academic fields is inadequate and moral rights require further study. Specifically, one view holds that there is no difference between moral rights and personal rights in civil law. Another view holds that the nature of moral rights is property rights. Actually, it can be certificated that moral rights and personal rights in civil law is not homologous. However, the right of publication and the right of modification have close relation with economic rights, so they reflect a common nature of property. It is important to redefine the nature of moral rights in the face of the new modes of protecting moral rights.
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    The Trait Theory and the Context Theory of Consumption
    Decision-making and their Applications 
    WANG Cai-yu
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (3): 74-79. 
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    There are two theories concerning consumption decision-making according to its uniformity and controllability: trait theory and context theory. The trait theory holds that consumers have stable personalities at work and their decisions are predictable. An enterprise should subdivide the market according to the individuals’ demands. Personal traits that influence consumption decision-making include cognitive demand, selfimage, innovative motivation and material demand. Guided by the trait theory, consumer decision-making style is divided into eight kinds, with different decision-making styles corresponding to different marketing strategy. The context theory holds that consumption decisions are greatly affected by various contextual factors and consumers’ decision behavior can be controlled and changed. The relevant factors include physical factors, market factors, interpersonal factors and group factors. This theory encourages enterprises to develop marketing strategies to induce consumer decision-making.
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    Boosting Cultural Inheritance and Innovation:
    The Value Orientation of University Campus Culture
    ZHANG Yu-guang, WANG Ya-xu, YUE Yun
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (3): 80-83. 
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    To boost the inheritance and innovation of culture should be a conscious choice in college campus cultural building, and the characteristics of cultural innovation also determine the inheritance and innovation function of campus culture. An idea of keeping pace with the time, a sound mechanism, an environment of synergistic innovation, an effective internet platform and a brand system can all contribute to the promotion of cultural inheritance and innovation on university campus.
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    A Tentative Analysis of the Relationship between University Campus
    Culture and the Popularization of Socialist Core Value System
    XU Yi-feng1, YANG Rui-lan2
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2013, 13 (3): 847-89. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (1045KB) ( 2190 )
    Campus culture is a kind of group culture jointly created and formed by the overall staff in the longterm practice of teaching, research, management and service under the specific circumstances of campus. Currently, campus culture is confronted with such problems as utilitarianism, superficiality and materialization. Thus, the socialist core value system should be strengthened under the construction of campus culture. The construction of campus culture should take the socialist core value system as the guide, and the popularization of this system is based on the construction of campus culture. The common goal of both is to realize the great development and prosperity of socialist culture.
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