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    A Research on the System of Social Workers’ Continuing Education
    XU Daowen
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (6): 5-11. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (539KB) ( 2659 )
    Owing to lack of overall design, continuing education system of social workers in China is characterized by blurred orientation, fragmentary organization and selfcontradiction. Problems emerge with the system such as the training form and content being inadequate to meet the needs of social workers, training time varying widely, training effect being unsatisfactory, training infrastructure needing improvement, and social work in rural areas needing support due to uneven development between urban and rural social work. To improve the continuing education system, a scientific and reasonable management system and an operating mechanism should be established, and a lifelong education system of social work need be constructed.
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    “Fourstep” Intervention in Doctorpatient Relationship
    ZHU Pingyan
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (6): 12-19. 
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    A “fourstep” approach of MSW intervention in doctorpatient relationship is put forward and carried out in an orthopedics department of a hospital in Wuhan. The first step is to build trust and open communication channels; the second step to provide effective medical and social information resources; the third step to promote healthy behaviors and expand service levels and depth; the fourth step to explore the patients’ own value and initiative and advocate interaction among patients. The purpose of the study is to explore the effective methods that medical social workers intervene in miscommunication between medical workers and patients so as to provide scientific evidence for medical social work mechanism of medical service and achieve doctorpatient harmony. The results show that the method, as an effective intervention method of medical social workers of doctorpatient relationship, has played a positive role in the regulation of doctorpatient relationship, facilitating doctorpatient communication.
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    The Target Orientation of Integrated Community Services Center in Social Work
    ——A Case Study of the Pilot Integrated Family
    LIN Chengyan, ZHANG Miaojuan
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (6): 20-26. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (492KB) ( 3097 )
    The target orientation of integrated community services center is the key to determining the effectiveness and longresidual action of community services system construction. After analyzing some experimental cases of integrated family services center in Guangzhou from a communitywork perspective, some common misunderstandings in the current target orientation of the construction of integrated services center are summarized. It is proposed that integrated services center should focus on four targets, which are to promote community development, to advocate public participation in the course, to meet residents’ demand in the end, and to establish an operation mechanism. It is advised that the orientation be completed securely, periodically and synthetically so as to promote a benign development of community services system.
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    EffectProducing Mechanism of the “Positive Selfconcept” Group Counseling
    ——A Therapeutic Element Analysis of a Case of Needy Undergraduates
    WEI Sanshan
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (6): 27-37. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (428KB) ( 2780 )
    “Positive selfconcept” group counseling program includes 9 progressive units. This program brings about a positive selfconcept through three methods, namely, deepening selfawareness, cultivating selfacceptance and positive selfexperience, and strengthening awareness and skills of selfregulation. This program is carried out among needy freshmen. The effect of the group counseling is verified from both the mental state measurement and the group satisfaction evaluation. The counseling effect is caused by the function developed by therapeutic elements. Some special therapeutic elements highlight their own importance at different stages in the group counseling.
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    A Constructivist Perspective on the Structure Critical Policy Analysis Model ——With the Social Assistance Policy for Problem
    Street Children in China for Example
    LI Xiaofeng
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (6): 32-37. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (452KB) ( 2825 )
    The viewpoints of constructivism in social problems are first summarized. Then based on a critical review of the traditional “problemsolution model”, the theoretical framework of policy analysis of “the structurecriticism analysis model” is discussed. The current social assistance policy for problem street children in China is further reflected upon, which provides an insight into this issue and the corresponding policies and services.
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    Role Transformation and Welfare Identity: “The Selfness of the Other”——A Theoretical Explanation of “Renqin” Phenomenon
    Based on Welfare Supply
    JI Wenxiao1, CHEN Tao2
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (6): 38-43. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (505KB) ( 2724 )
    At present, more attention has been paid to government, market system and the third party in the academic research of the welfare supply. Besides the institutional perspective, a cultural perspective is also worthwhile. This paper explores localized practice or social fact “renqin” in China’s context for its meaning and theoretical construction. “Renqin” is a process of role transformation, through identity construction, relationship restructuring and positive motivation, realizing selfidentity, social identity and cultural identity. The biggest significance of “renqin” lies in the welfare identity based on rational communication.
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    From Sensory Order to Competitive Order——F. A. Hayek’s Dispersed Knowledge Theory and its Criticism
    CHEN Dezhong
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (6): 44-50. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (437KB) ( 3192 )
    As is well known, Hayek puts forward his dispersed knowledge theory based on his criticism of the theory of “perfect knowledge”, where he criticizes the concept of stationary equilibrium alleged by traditional economic theory. And as is usually ignored, Hayek argued furthermore that facts in social sciences are highly dependent on the epistemic subject, and that we rely on a system of classification of objects to organize our knowledge. The theory of objective classification of knowledge offers an explanation to Hayek’s dispersed knowledge theory, while the organizing of dispersed individual knowledge is wholly dependent on the market competition as a discovery procedure. Hayek’s overemphasis on the role of market competition is criticized by contemporary scholars such as L. Liggio and L. Hurwicz, with the latter arguing, contrary to Hayek’s famous standpoint, against government intervention, that spontaneous disorder should demand human intervention. Such criticism leads to the birth of modern mechanism design theory.
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    An Analysis of the Factors of Teacher Achievement Evaluation System  in Private Higher Learning Institutions
    WANG Yining, ZHAO Yuhong
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (6): 51-55. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (401KB) ( 2838 )
    The teacher achievement appraisal is the core of private higher learning institution teacher management. With the rapid development of such institutions in our country, the teacher achievement appraisal theory and practice cannot meet the demand for teaching staff construction, and most such institutions have not been able to establish a scientific teacher achievement appraisal system. On the basis of analyzing the characteristics of such teaching staff and their achievement appraisal and observing the basic relevant principles, This thesis analyzes the essential factors of the teacher achievement evaluation system and discusses the basic structure of this system.
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    A Probe into Architectural Education Based on Guangzhou Features
    ZHU Xuemei, ZHOU Xiang, LIU Xuhong, XIE Hao, LIN Yaoguang
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (6): 56-59. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (434KB) ( 2767 )
    Guangzhou, as one of the first Famous Historical and Cultural Towns proclaimed in China and also a leading city practicing the open policy, presents some diversification and many directions in development and also provides for the architectural creation rich materials and a vast basis for practice. Specializing in architecture at a university in Guangzhou, we are supposed to make use of the local advantages and adopt an open mode of talent training, which plays a very obviously active role in improving the students’ “comprehension” and practical capability.
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    The Problems and Countermeasures of Humanistic Quality  Education in Universities of Technology
    SHI Lei, LUO Jiawen
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (6): 60-64. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (449KB) ( 3160 )
    A questionnaire is used to investigate humanistic quality of students in universities of technology along three dimensions: attitude of humanistic quality education, learning and mastery of general knowledge and courtesy cultivation. The survey results show that students generally consider it necessary to strengthen humanistic education, and they also pay attention to their own courtesy cultivation, but they tend to evaluate school humanistic educational activity as low, regard humanities knowledge learning as purposetargeted, and lack humanities knowledge reserve. The single mode of humanistic education and the lack of humanistic atmosphere on campus and longterm mechanism of humanistic education are the main factors restricting humanistic education effect. Therefore, it is necessary by incorporating natural science education with humanistic education, to extend the college humanistic field, enrich the ways of humanistic education, and innovate the humanistic practice mode.
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    A Study of the Relationship among Employee Engagement, Job Burnout and Organization Identity: Evidence from a Transportation Enterprise
    JIN Linlin, CHEN Hao
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (6): 65-71. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (468KB) ( 4866 )
    Employee engagement, as an important element for success, has been paid much attention to by enterprises. On the basis of reviewing the related concepts, this paper proposes four hypotheses, and based on the empirical data obtained from some transportation enterprises, the relationship among employee engagement, job burnout and organization identity is discussed. The difference in employee engagement is explained through the degree to which an enterprise adopts the market principle and discussed in combination with the practical situation of some enterprises. This study may provide a theoretic perspective for future research.
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    Chinese Community and its Characteristics in Thailand
     in the Thonburi Dynasty
    HUANG Sufang
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (6): 72-76. 
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     In order to promote the Thailand social and economic recovery and development, Taksin recruited a large number of Chinese to Thailand and the Chinese community witnessed a rapid development. Along with the development of Chinese community, Teochews, who were called the “royal Chinese”, began to replace Hokkien people and became the protagonists of Chinese community in Thailand. A preliminary attempt is made to study the Chinese immigration and development of the Chinese community in Thailand in Taksin period.
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    On the Concept of Contemporary Dress Style Design——Exploring Feminine Charisma and the Freedom to Move
    YANG Shubin, CHANG Fang
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (6): 77-82. 
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     Dress has been a focus in clothing design, with a remarkable market prospect. Previously, research and discussion of dress design mostly dwelt upon the structural or technical level. In this paper, the design concepts and methods of contemporary dress styles are explored from two perspectives, namely, aesthetics and function. It is advocated to abandon trivial structural changes and give up large and heavy dress styles, which limit freedom to move. It is proposed as a principle that contemporary dress design should enhance female charisma and provide freedom of physical movement.
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