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    houghts on Deepening Social System Reform in China
    LIU Zheng, LIU Dongsheng, HUANG Shengwei
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (5): 5-12. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (2007KB) ( 2430 )
    The background of globalization in social reform, the social reform process that our country has undergone since its founding, and the experience reveal that the core problem that contemporary China has to solve in social reform consists in target model. We put forward the “selfgoverning social system” and three stages leading to the objectives of social system reform on the basis of the ideal of “Community of Freeman” in human society presented by Karl Marx. The current stage of social system reform is the process of transition from “strong state weak society” to “strong state strong society”. In order to achieve this transition, the relevant idea, method, subject and mechanism should be changed.
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    Analysis of Social Capital Reconstruction Path in Disaster Social Work
    ——Example from the 5·12 Sichuan Earthquake
    SHI Tieer, WANG Song
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (5): 13-17. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (857KB) ( 2420 )
    The 5·12 Earthquake caused not only tremendous material damage but also great shock and loss of social capital to the earthquakestricken areas in Sichuan. Postdisaster reconstruction is a systematic project, including both physical reconstruction and social capital reconstruction. The reconstruction path in the disaster social work mainly involves reconstructing the relationship between refugees, between refugees and organizations, and strengthening the sense of togetherness in the community.
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    Disasters from the Perspective of Risk Society and Social Work from
    the Experience of Taiwan
    LIU Xiaochun
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (5): 18-23. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (981KB) ( 2472 )
    In the face of catastrophes and people suffering them, the idea of solving problem and satisfying the urgent needs of the refugees is often a matter of course haunting the social workers. However, it is frustrating that in recent years various problems derived from the natural catastrophes have not disappeared but spread rampantly. How can we learn from these catastrophes and catastrophe relief experience? This paper attempts to borrow Beck’s concept of risk society, reflect on the social workers’ catastrophe relief experiences during the accidents of 921 Earthquakes and 88 Flood in Taiwan, and discuss some thoughts of disaster social work practice inspired by Beck’s perspective of risk society.
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    Constructing Social Work Professionals in the “Embedding
    Development Style”
    ——A Case Study of Hunan Province
    LI Bin
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (5): 24-29. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (986KB) ( 2296 )
    “The Opinions on the Strengthening of the Social Work Professional Development of Qualified Personnel” reflects China’s social demands for constructing a team of social workers. However, in reality, the construction develops at a very slow speed because the present way of development fails to take into consideration the constraint in disciplines among Chinese universities, the locality of professional training, the resource restriction to the development of social work organizations, the low demand from local administrations, low payment, low autonomy, etc. And the “embedding development style” may be a suitable path to the construction of social work professionals.
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    Empirical Study of Social Skills Training and Mental Health Work
    ——An Example from a Patient Mutual Helping Team
    SHEN Li1, 2 LIU Qingxuan1 CAI Weiwei1
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (5): 30-35. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (902KB) ( 2352 )
    By taking the example of patient mutual helping team organized in a mental health centre in Shanghai, this thesis explores the influence of social skills training on the psychiatric patients’ life quality. The results after comparing the WHOQOL & SANS scales between the experimental group and the control group shows that, the individual interpersonal skills and quality of life have increased dramatically in experimental group, and the two indicators are better than those of the control group. Hence, the thesis suggests that: firstly, the chronic mental patients need longterm social skills training; secondly, the treatment should be cooperated with social workers, family members and medical staff; thirdly, the patients should practice these skills in the social environment; and lastly, we should strengthen professional competence of mental health social workers and promote the evidencebased research.
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    Needs of Autism Families and Social Work Intervention
    ——From the Report of 120 Shenzhen Autism Families
    NI Chidan, SU Min
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (5): 36-41. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (925KB) ( 2828 )
    This research applies the principal component factor analysis to the needs of 120 autism families and concludes that the needs of autism families include psychological and emotional need, social resources need, and knowledge and information need, of which the psychological and emotional one is most urgent. The path for social work intervention is thus determined. Work should be done in studying family cases, advocating community social work and making policies for supporting autism families so as to promote the recovery of family functions and hence the recovery of autistic patients and the healthy development of their family members.
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    Empirical Study of Intervention Results of Preventing AIDS
    among Outofschool Youngsters
    ——With the City of Liuzhou, Guangxi as an Example
    CUI Juan
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (5): 42-46. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (880KB) ( 2371 )
    By researching and surveying the synthetical intervention results of preventing AIDS, this article believes that intervention model through peer education, which is based on communities and includes commonweal organizations, can obviously raise AIDS awareness among outofschool youngsters. The model can offer evidence for further AIDS intervention and prevention.
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    The Principle of Intergovernmental Regional Consensus on the Value
    Collaboration and the Practice in the Yangtze River Delta
    ZHAO Dingdong, SHEN Yanwei, YU Zhi
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (5): 47-54. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (1250KB) ( 2311 )
    The basic principles of intergovernmental regional consensus on the value collaboration mainly concern mutual benefit and mutual trust. The formation of Chinese intergovernmental regional consensus on the value collaboration originates from the central government’s mandatory guidance, the strong impetus by the international trends and the domestic needs for regional structural change. Currently, the relatively lowlevel institutionalization, the loose organizational form of regional cooperation, and the lack of an integrated, cooperative strategic plan make it necessary to build, from the basis, mechanisms for the Yangtze River Delta intergovernmental regional consensus on the value collaboration, namely, to develop common binding policy and system criterion, and to achieve ultraadministrative coordination and management within the organizational system for the sake of common interests.
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    Exploration into the Cycles in the Reform of Government Institutions
    ——Together with Improvement of the Direction of
    Superministry Reform
    CUI Lianrui, XU Luhang
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (5): 55-61. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (1060KB) ( 2393 )
    Seen from the process of China’s reform of government institutions, the existence of the cycle of “downsizing government agencies and personnelexpandingagain compactingfurther expanding” is objective and inevitable, and the current superministry reform has limitations. Therefore, the government’s management and reform cannot simply be measured by the increase or decrease in the number of institutions, but by whether they can accurately respond to the development of productive forces and social demands. The government’s management and reform should constantly adjust, improve and optimize government functions, center round controlling the average administrative cost, perfecting supervisory mechanism and optimizing allocation of resources, achieve the dynamic balance between market and government, and prolong the cycle time so as to get out of the cycle.
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    On the Legal Features of Technical Standard and Their ExpressionsS
    SHAO Junwu
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (5): 62-68. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (1010KB) ( 2377 )
     Technical standard is highly technical and part of public management work concerning people’s livelihood. Moreover, it is a very important basis to define the rights and obligations of litigants. Technical standard is characterized by its being legal, technical and implemented via public administration. It includes the forms of legislation and the other abstract administrative action as well as the diverse forms of selfdiscipline and negotiation behavior of civil and commercial subjects. As a kind of value judgment, its establishment is usually an important game field. Thus, it is necessary to consider the balance and coordination of all sorts of interests in the process of its establishment.
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    Analysis of the Current Implementation Situation of Western
    Public Diplomacy and its Implication for the Development of
    China’s Public Diplomacy
    LIN Fengchun
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (5): 69-75. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (1198KB) ( 2326 )
    Western countries such as Britain and America have always attached great importance to the function that public diplomacy performs in the foreign strategy. Thanks to the support of such nongovernmental organizations as thinktank and mature civil society, the theory research and practice of western countries’ public diplomacy bring out the best in each other. Besides, western countries have started to use network technology platform for network public diplomacy since the information age began. Pushed by these factors, western public diplomacy has achieved remarkable results and become an important part in achieving their national strategy. Based on this, the mature experience of western countries undoubtedly provides important reference for China whose public diplomacy just started: first, strengthen the relevant theories and construct public diplomacy theory system with Chinese characteristics; second, integrate cultural resources and build a flexible, efficient management system; third, strengthen the construction of information technology and promote network public diplomacy; and last, foster nongovernmental organizations and further integrated marketing communications.
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    Research Review of the Cultivation of Innovative Talents in
    Chinese Universities
    YANG Wenbin
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (5): 76-81. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (1023KB) ( 2291 )
    The procession and analysis of the research materials related to the cultivation of innovative talents in Chinese universities show that China has achieved some preliminary theoretical and practical results in this field. Consequently, many research systems and methods have sprung up. Some attempts have been made in integrating disciplinary system and innovating training mechanism. Nevertheless, problems still exist. There lacks a complete research on the subjects. There isn’t enough investigation into the reasons for the innovative inability. Great attention should be paid to the empirical research based on mathematical models. Accordingly, relevant researches aimed at the abovementioned problems will give new perspective to the area.
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    On the Promotion of China Telecom’s Mobile Service Oriented to
    Public Customers
    XIE Fangming1, ZHANG Guangyu1,WU Chengyu1
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2012, 12 (5): 82-86. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (890KB) ( 2466 )
    After the third reconstruction, China Telecom ultimately began its multiple business operation and entered the market of mobile service. After analyzing the characteristics of public customers enjoying mobile services and its market segmentation, this paper holds that, to gain the competitive advantage, presently China Telecom has to expand the market share and attract more customers. In terms of how China Telecom should develop the marketing strategy among the public customers, the paper puts forward some advice such as establishing the fixed business locations in the communities, establishing the dynamic business locations in the densely populated areas, making cyberadvertisements, and innovating promotion via customer relationship.
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