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    Study on the Relationship between State Governance and Community Governance and Modernization of Their Coordinated Evolution
    GUO Weihe
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2021, 21 (4): 5-15. 
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    In China, to modernize community governance is always part of state-governance modernization. Meanwhile, Community Governance Group with shared responsibility facilitates the modernization of state governance system and capability through its mobilization, organization and development. Embodied in the modernization of community governance are not only the integration of China in modernization but also the local features and innovation of Community Governance Group with shared responsibility. It is a core feature of community governance modernization with Chinese characteristics.
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    Adventure Intervention in Improving Left-Behind Children’s Resilience: A Feasibility Study on A Pilot Study Project Using A Mixed Method
    ZHOU Xiaochun, HAN Xudong, ZHANG Xiaomeng, YIN Shuya, NIE Rui
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2021, 21 (4): 16-24. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (729KB) ( 3151 )
    The adventure intervention was designed for left-behind children in a suburb of Beijing to improve their resilience. A mixed method of quantitative research (quasi-experimental design) and qualitative research was used to measure the intervention effect. Results showed that adventure intervention has a significant effect on improving resilience of leftover children. Significant differences were observed in total score of resilience, emotional control, positive cognition and interpersonal assistance between intervention group and control group. The results of intervention group showed a medium effect size. In the adventure intervention for increasing resilience of those kids, there was greater acceptance of competitive games and constructive games than symbolic game.
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    Research on Group Intervention in Academic Procrastination among Migrant Children
    CHEN Jinfeng, ZHU Meihua
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2021, 21 (4): 25-32,62. 
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    Academic procrastination, increasingly common among migrant children, may leave a negative impact on the behaviors, habits, physical and mental well-being of migrant children and their relationship with parents.In this regard, instead of intervention from a single subject, a parent-childgroup intervention, which combined time management training for kids and positive discipline by parents, was adopted in this study.Besides, the intervention effect was measured by qualitative and quantitative methods.The results showed that no significant difference was observed in the time management tendency between the control group and the intervention group which means that the time management training methods needed to be optimized. Parent-child group intervention had a significant effect on reducing children’s academic procrastination. The scores of migrant children’s academic procrastination fell in the intervention group, which indicates a positive result of the intervention.
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    Dispelling the Haze of Depression: A Study on Group Intervention in Depression of Cancer Patients
    TAO Maomao, ZHU Meihua
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2021, 21 (4): 33-40. 
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    Depression, one of the most common psychological reactions of cancer patients, affects their treatment, recovery, survival time and quality of life. This study used a quasi-experimental design approach to analyze the effect of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) group intervention on cancer patients’ depression. Twenty-two subjects (cancer patients suffered from depression) were divided non-randomly into two groups: the intervention group (IG) and the control group (CG). The IG received ACT group intervention while the CG did not. The study indicates that there were significant differences in depression and psychological flexibility between IG and CG. Significant differences were observed in IG between pre-test and post-test scores (p < 0.001) but not in CG (p > 0.05). Therefore, ACT intervention can effectively improve the psychological flexibility of cancer patients and alleviate their depression.
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    Two Dimensions of Social Work Association Role Incongruity: Boundary Overstepping and Breach of Responsibility
    HAN Jiangfeng
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2021, 21 (4): 41-50. 
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    As an essential organization to promote the development of social work, social work association plays an important role in education and training, industry self-discipline, publicity activities, policy advocacy and professional research. Through half a year's field work and interviews with staff members, role incongruity, namely, boundary overstepping or breach of responsibility, is found to exists in social work association of M City. For one thing, there is boundary overstepping in conflict of interest in cross-boundary competition, responsibility overlapping in self-assessment and entrapment of responsibility in interest exchange. For another, there is breach of responsibility in wielding full power over industry self-discipline, providing high quality of member services, having limited ability to promote professional development for social work and so on. Role incongruity is mainly caused by weak external supervision, poor internal management and unclear role positioning. Therefore, to solve and prevent this problem, it is necessary to establish external supervision mechanism, improve the ability of internal management and clarify role orientation of the association.
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    Rationality or Legitimacy: Motive Mechanism of Social Work Major Development: Study on Major Arrangement of Higher Learning Institutions in China
    FU Shuangle, YANG Bowen, LIU Linping
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2021, 21 (4): 51-62. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (1356KB) ( 2526 )
    Should a college or university take into account its own faculty structure or the need generated from social and economic development when setting up the social work major? Based on Organizational Sociology, taking rational choice and legitimate mechanism as two modes of competing logic and using Cox Proportional Hazard Model, it is found that in China it is not development of urban society and economy but the condition of the school, namely, whether a college or university has offered Social Work major, that has a significant impact on the decision to offer Social Work as an undergraduate major. The result indicates that currently the main driving mechanism for higher learning institutions in China to offer Social Work as an undergraduate major is rational choice instead of legitimate mechanism. Such result may lead to a mismatch between the major arrangement and talent training of higher learning institutions and the requirement of social development, which has an adverse effect on the development of Social Work major. It is suggested that both faculty structure and social and economic development be taken into account for the development of Social Work major in China.
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    Pendulum Development: The Number of Community Full-Time Social Workers and Its Influencing Factors: An Empirical Study Based on CLDS2014 and CLDS2016 Data
    YU Tieshan
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2021, 21 (4): 63-70,79. 
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    Based on the scale of the number of full-time social workers in the community, this paper puts forward the development view of social workers in a bell swing way, and investigates the current situation and influencing factors of the number of full-time social workers in the community based on the data of two periods of China’s labor force survey. It is found that in recent years, the number of full-time social workers in the community has decreased both in total and per 10 000 people, which highlights the pendulum development effect of the number of community social workers. Further statistical analysis of Poisson distribution shows that: first, the imbalance of social work development areas has been alleviated. In 2014, the number of community full-time social workers in the eastern region was significantly higher than that in the central and western regions, and the phenomenon did not exist in 2016. Secondly, the number of special groups such as the disabled in the community has a significant positive effect on the number of full-time social workers in the community. At the same time, the economic structure of the community will also affect the number of full-time social workers, highlighting the demand orientation and economic basis of the pendulum development of social workers. Third, the length of service of community directors has a positive effect on the number of community full-time social workers. Fourth, the deterioration of community security has raised the demand for the number of full-time social workers in the community. Based on this, this paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions on the construction of social workers’ talent team.
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    Cultivation Logic and Characteristics of Application-Oriented Social Work Talents
    WU Lizhong, WANG Yuxiang
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2021, 21 (4): 71-79. 
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    The cultivation of application-orientated social work talents should follow its inherent logic and display its unique characteristics.However, its current development and logic do not match, which is exposed in problems such as unclear orientation of cultivation, curriculum system in disregard of professional ability, incomplete practical teaching system and insufficiency of faculty’s practical ability. In fact, the cultivation logic of application-oriented social work talents is set to meet the requirements of social work profession and professional competence. That aim serves as a guide for the closed-loop cultivation system with reversed design and sequenced implementation, which is formed by the system design of curriculum and the organization, implementation and evaluation of course instruction. Therefore, the cultivation of the application-orientated social work talents should show the following characteristics: serving for the double aims, multiple symbiosis of subjects, a habit-developing domain, a practical cultivation modeand self-reflection in the cultivation process. Only by grasping the logic and characteristics can we cultivate social work talents that truly meet the needs from social governanceinnovation and high-qualityeconomic and social development.
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    Insertion of Social Work Forces into the Construction of Rural Communities
    FANG Yaming, ZHOU Wenyi, HUANG Jianxu
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2021, 21 (4): 80-88,98. 
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    The construction of rural community is an important link to realize the grand blueprint of Rural Revitalization Strategy. With the development of industrialization and urbanization, the traditional structure of China’s rural areas has been broken. The phenomena of left-behind children, women and the elderly and hollowing-out in rural areas are serious. The original governance system and mechanism has been unable to meet the needs of the development of the times, and the social governance system and mechanism of rural communities need to be changed and innovated. Social work organizations have become an important resource for rural revitalization and play an important role in rural community construction. The key to the formation of a rural social governance pattern of co-construction, co-governance and sharing is to introduce social work organizations, guide and help villagers to enhance their community awareness, service awareness and participation awareness through the phased role and special services of social workers, set up local villagers’ self-organizations, build a cooperative governance mechanism created by the community, and let villagers truly realize self-organization, self-governance and self-development.
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    Research on Hospice Care Policy in China within the Two-Dimensional Framework of Policy Tools
    TANG Yong, CHEN Haiyan, YE Furong, LUO Peng
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2021, 21 (4): 89-98. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (753KB) ( 2538 )
    The hospice care policy has specific guiding significance for the development of hospice care service. Quantitative analysis of 48 policy documents of hospice care, which were issued successively in China from 1994 to 2020, was performed using a two-dimensional framework of policy tools, which took the basic policy tools as X dimension and the development of hospice care as Y dimension. Results show that balanced use of policy tools has not been realized in current policy of China’s hospice care. Environmental policy tools play a dominant role in China’s hospice care policies while demand and supply policy tools are insufficiently used.There is a structural imbalance in the application of basic policy tools.The effectiveness of policy tools has not yet been fully demonstrated and the systemic nature of relevant policies for hospice care is yet to be improved. Based on the results of the analysis, suggestions are made for improving the policy system of hospice care: optimizing policy tools, creating cultural environment and embracing “death” with inner peace.
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