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    The Connotation of Social Work Supervision in Chinese Local Context: Consciousness and Self-determination in Social Work
    TONG Min, SHI Tianqi
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2019, 19 (6): 7-14. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (712KB) ( 2203 )
    In the rapid development of China’s social work specialization and professionalization, the lag of the connection between social work supervision research and practice has gradually appeared.Supervision is an important part of social work professional study and professional practice. It is of great significance to clarify the connotation of professional supervision in the current local social work practice environment. This paper explores the meaning of social work supervision in the local context by summarizing the meaning of Western social work supervision and in combination with local supervision practice cases. The study finds that the local social work project service and supervision practice are inter-constructive. The core of supervision is to realize the transformation and integration of empirical thinking and contextual thinking through experiential thinking, and to promote the consciousness and self-determination of social work service.
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    On the Evaluation System of Social Work Supervision in China
    ZHANG Hongying, ZHAO Wanlin
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2019, 19 (6): 15-25. 
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    Based on the perspective of constructivism and the method of long interview, this paper explores the evaluation system of social work supervision in China. It is found that the evaluation system of social work supervision in China consists of such elements as evaluation function, evaluation subject, evaluation content, evaluation method andthe influencing factors of evaluation. Each constituent element is made up of several subsidiary elements. The conclusion of this study is that the supervisory evaluation of social work in China is a polysystem of evaluation which is constructed by supervisors, supervisees, supervisory management team from the government, professional associations, experts and scholars in the field of supervision.
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    Integration and Transcendence: The Development Dilemma and the Localization Path of Social Work Supervision
    HUANG Yao-ming
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2019, 19 (6): 26-31. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (575KB) ( 2268 )
    Social work supervision plays an important role in responding to the dilemmas and difficulties of social work service, ensuring the qualities and effectiveness of social work service, and improving the service ability of social workers. As our social work service has become a more and more important force in the modernization of the social governance system and capability, the professionalism and effectiveness of social work service have been questioned. The supervision of social work in China is faced with some difficulties such as lagging behind in institutional construction, adapting to local conditions, obvious instrumental tendencies, professional ethical considerations, and lack of specialization. In order to institutionalize the local supervision system with Chinese characteristics in the future, it is necessary to integrate and transcend the knowledge of social work supervision in the Western sense and the reality of China and fully consider the influence of Chinese traditional cultural genes and the habits of the Chinese people.
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    The Procedure of Social Work Supervision from an Empowerment Perspective: Promoting Self-Efficacy and Professional Resilience
    LV Xinping
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2019, 19 (6): 32-39. 
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    As a human-caring profession, the aim and priority of supervision for social work is to ensure that social workers are always in a good working condition through promoting self-efficiency and professional resilience, so as to guarantee the quality of professional service. Supervision means super vision, great view or different insight from its original essence. Thus, supervision for social work from a perspective of empowerment focuses on enhancing confidence and ability of social workers by facilitating them to find both potential power and accessible resource and to surpass current issues. Correspondingly, the procedure of supervision for social work assists social workers to approach goals on problem-solving or performance-achieving by exploring within themselves the different layers of barriers which are hidden in current problem and having an insight into potentials and resource beyond the barriers through applying techniques of questions and dialogues between supervisor and supervised social workers.
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    A Study on the Classified Evaluation of Social Work in Community Drug Rehabilitation: A Case Study of Social Work Practice on Drug Rehabilitation in Shanghai
    ZHAO Fang, FU Liming
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2019, 19 (6): 40-47. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (671KB) ( 2298 )
    A comprehensive understanding and classified evaluation of the physical condition, survival state, subjective attitude and realistic performance of drug addicts is the basis for the social work of community drug rehabilitation and the premise for the later comprehensive intervention. This study is the systemic research of classified evaluation system of Shanghai community rehabilitation social work, which analyzes the current situation of assessment practice, basic characteristics and existing problems. On the basis of this research, we have designed a targeted and operational classified evaluation index system, including five dimensions and three level indicators, a total of 80 questions, and quantified the scoring criteria. At the same time, we also have proposed the new methodand operation mechanism of classified evaluation in order to promotethe effectiveness of social work on drug rehabilitation in the community.
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    Horticultural Therapy: A New Exploration of Social Work Facing the Harmonious Relation between Man and Nature
    LIU Binzhi, WANG Liyuan
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2019, 19 (6): 48-55. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (625KB) ( 2721 )
    In the historical process towards ecological civilization and green China, social work focuses on the harmonious relationship between man and nature within the basic framework of interaction between man and environment. Expanding horticultural therapy in social work service is not only conducive to the development of individual body, mind and social relationship, but also conducive to the realization of professional value and social function of social work. Based on the multiple needs of different service groups, horticultural therapy has developed multiple intervention strategies such as therapeutic, occupational and social horticultural models. Through six specific processes, namely activity design, participation in the process, harvest, sharing, life reflection and efficacy evaluation, it has applied and deduced the core methods and technologies such as rooting, implantation and metaphor, and finally promoted physical and mental healing and sustainable development of service clients. Based on historical experience and research reflection, social workers need to adhere to the value concept of green therapy, sustain professional competence, respond to the different needs of service groups, adhere to professional ethics and strengthen risk control in the implementation of horticultural therapy, so as to promote the scientific and localized development of horticultural therapy.
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    Social Workers in the Integrated Medical and Elderly Care Service Development: Dilemmas and Causes
    CHEN Lin, XING Jie, MAO Xupeng
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2019, 19 (6): 56-63,71. 
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    To meet the increasing need for medical and care service brought by the aging trend, integrating medical service with care service has been explored and developed on the policy level as well as on the practice level in our country. Currently, community health centers in Shanghai are the harbor to provide such services. However, it is found that social workers, when carrying out integrated medical and elderly care services, faced dilemmas such as fuzzy cognition of their professional roles, unclear positioning, rupture between real service and role expectation. The paper also analyzes both subjective and objective causes for these dilemmas, and proposes multi-level and multidimensional measures, such as improving the professional level of social workers, clarifying the professional roles of social work and optimizing relevant policies, to get rid of the role dilemmas.
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    Study on the Dilemma of Implementing Mandatory Reporting System for Child Abuse in China
    LIN Dian
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2019, 19 (6): 64-71. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (711KB) ( 2276 )
    It is reasonable to develop the mandatory reporting system for child abuse in the face of China’s growing problem of child abuse, but it needs to be carefully evaluated and studied before it is carried out. If the system is implemented without careful consideration and solving its dilemma, it will not only fail to achieve the effectiveness of the system, but may also create negative effects. At present, eight difficulties should be dealt with if the mandatory reporting system for child abuse is to be implemented in China: the cultural level, the legal level, the procedural guidelines, the responsible departments, the supporting facilities, the civil organizations, the responsible staff and the system researches. Solutions to these problems should be systematically considered for the effective application of the mandatory reporting system for child abuse. First of all, the children’s rights and interests should be actively advocated and safeguarded at the cultural level. Secondly, we should improve the legislative system of the mandatory reporting system for child abuse. Thirdly, government should establish a competent authority in charge of the prevention and treatment of child abuse, and supporting facilities should be improved. Fourthly, we should speed up the development of NGO and build a mode of cooperation between NGO and the government. Finally, government should establish the main status of social workers and strengthen the research on the mandatory reporting system for child abuse.
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    Difficulties and Development of Educational Assessment for Children with Intellectual Disabilities in China: Based on the Experience of America Special Education Assessment System
    DU Nan
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2019, 19 (6): 72-78. 
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    Based on the description ofapplication of the intellectual disability assessment system in special education in China and America, this paper summarizes the difficulties in practice of this field, including the lack of legislative protection, ambiguous classification of children with special needs and the lack of a unified assessment process and appropriate local assessment tools. These limitation may affect the result whether the tested children can take part in special education and which services and corrections are assigned to them. These conditions are not conducive to the benign development of the tested children and the rational allocation of educational resources. Based on the experience of special education evaluation in America, this paper finally puts forward some suggestions to promote the development of intellectual disability education evaluation in China, such as legislative support, establishment of authoritative evaluation institutions or departments, scientific evaluation criteria, improve local measurement tools, increase school social work participation and professional construction of social work.
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    Disease, Rumours and the Social Governance of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in Late 19th Centutry
    HUANG Qinglin
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2019, 19 (6): 79-85,92. 
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    In the year of 1894, epidemic swept across Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, causing widespread threats and leading to widespread rumors and panic. Different measures to control epidemic diseases and rumors in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao caused the people in the three places, whose cognitive level was originally at the same level, to quietly formed the gap in their thoughts and behaviors. The governing measures of Hong Kong in British colonial period and Macao in Portuguese colonial governments played different roles in changing the identity of the Hong Kong and Macao Chinese and promoting their social integration, achieving different results. However, the bewilderment of the Qing government showed that its obscurantist policy and backward national system would eventually be unsustainable.
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    Exploring the Forming Process of “Community, Social Organizations and Social Workers” Joint Action Mechanism in Urban Community: Based on the Experience of a Pilot Plan in S City
    GU Jiang-xia
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2019, 19 (6): 86-92. 
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    It is difficult for the government alone to deal with the various governance problems in the grass-roots communities because of the tremendous change incurrent urban community structure. The “community, social organizations and social workers” joint action led by the State is a beneficial attempt to build a pluralistic community governance network. This paper analyzes the opportunity and cooperation form for the community resident’s committee, social organizations and social work agency to work together. Under the guidance of the grass-roots government, especially the sub-district office, the three agencies can jointly cope with public crisis in the community through consultation, communication and cooperation. They can hold activities such as venture philanthropy to stimulate residents to participate in, and integrate various resources to solve the common needs of the community, thus gradually forming“community, social organizations and social workers” joint actions mechanism. However, as the result of the lack of relevant policy in this process, the government should guide and standardize the development of community social organizations and develop community residents’ participation in order to improve the modernization level of community governance.
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    Research on Urban Community Construction from the Perspective of Project System: A Case Study of the Guangzhou Happy Community Construction Project
    KUANG Mengye
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2019, 19 (6): 93-101. 
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    This paper explores the action logic and strategy of the main participants in Guangzhou Happy Community Construction project from the perspective of project system and with reference to research methods of practical sociology. As the project owner, the Bureau of Civil Affairs of Guangzhou Municipality acts as project planner, resource distributor,organizer and coordinator, and its actions follow the logic of benefit and efficiency. District civil affairs bureaus and sub-district offices, as the project packers, play a role to reallocate resource and transfer information, which follows the logic of task completion and project developing. Due to their different cognition of the whole project and personal working attitude, the community committees adopt action strategiesfor community construction in the competition for the packaged projects. Their action strategies can be roughly divided into 3 types: proactive, perfunctoryand complaining.This project-based community construction, to a certain extent, achieves the aim of locating community demand as the work focus and improves the efficiency and effect of community construction. However, this operation mode is restricted and influenced by the bureaucracy and project system in the reality. The divergence of the interests of the participants leads to the alienation of the project objectives, and also brings a cumulative gap of wealth to the grassroots community.
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    Personnel Development: The Key Point of Policy Development and the Absence of Supporting Policies: Based on the Content Analysis of Social Work Policies from 2009 to 2018
    TONG Qiuhan
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2019, 19 (6): 102-109. 
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    Social work policy is the guidance of the development of the industry. Many areas need the provisions of policy, like safeguarding the interests of social workers and clients and the standardization of the transmission of social work services. Taking 38 policies issued by the State Council and various ministries and commissions in the last decade as samples, 244 texts are encoded through content analysis to construct a two-dimensional analysis framework with basic policy tools as the X dimension and the development of social work as the Y dimension. By summarizing the distribution characteristics of these policies, it is found that though personnel development is and will be the focus, but there are many problems with the supporting policy, such as a small number of special policy and insufficient cooperation among ministries. Meanwhile, special laws and regulations are lacking, and the development of social work organizations does not gain adequate support.
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    Thoughts on the Publicity Guidance of University Network in the New Media Era: Based on the Perspective of Mass Communication Theory Innovation
    LI Jingmao
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2019, 19 (6): 110-113,118. 
    Abstract    HTML ( ) PDF (828KB) ( 2077 )
    Traditional mass communication theories such as “gatekeepers”, “agenda setting” and “spiral of silence” have been impacted in the new media era, but their applicability still exists. In the online public opinion in colleges and universities, such characteristics as the particularity of main body, the complexity of content and the rapidity of transmission have broken the management pattern of colleges and universities, challenged the management methods and impacted the image shaping. Based on the perspective of mass communication theory innovation, colleges and universities should change their concepts and establish a new type of new media “gatekeeper” mechanism. They should positively respond, and subtly guide the “agenda setting” of online public opinion. Also they ought to improve the mechanism and break the “spiral of silent” phenomenon of online public opinion so as to construct a network public opinion guidance mechanism in the new media era.
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    On the Reform and Reflection to the Classifying Evaluation Mechanism for University Faculty against the Background of Constructing High-level University
    LUO kewen, HUANG xinxin
    SOCIAL WORK AND MANAGEMENT, 2019, 19 (6): 114-118. 
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    Faculty Classifying evaluation is the premise of teacher resource management development, but also an important part of the institutional mechanism for teachers' development.It is an important issue to establish a scientific and reasonable faculty classifying evaluation mechanism in the construction of High-level Universities. The paper looks squarely at the problems existing in the current faculty classifying evaluation mechanism by starting from the its necessity, and puts forward some reform countermeasures to implement the mechanism of classified evaluation of University teachers, which has important significance for promoting the construction of high-level university teachers, but also the common development both teachers and university.
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